Chapter Twenty-One

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"Okay my dear Tabs, this might get overwhelming for you, but any questions ask at any time, okay love?" "I'm all set" I said smiling, I was I wanted to learn all about the underworld.

"There are seven layers to the underworld as we call them, the top layer or first is here what we are in, it is where I have always had my home and away from everything, so I had my time.

Nothing from the other layers can get in here, it is protected and warded, plus an alarm system goes off if anyone is even trying to touch it.

We are fine though love, you and I can pass through it with no issues. Now for the second layer. This one is where the greedy souls go to. The landscape is full of rocks, mountains, and volcanoes.

What makes it dangerous besides volcanoes going off at various times is it is guarded by dragons. They protect that layer and there is no pleasing a dragon.

Each layer is warded so once you are in there, there is no escaping it unless the ward has our DNA in it, which it does so you or I will not be stuck.

Now for the third layer, this one is a desert, it is void of life and the sun is constant with no shade anywhere. The temperature is a constant one hundred degrees unlike the second one where the temperature ranges from thirty to ninety degrees.

This is where the vain souls go to, and is warded just like the rest, all layers are safe guarded for the souls to stay put and to spend eternity in the place they were judged and sent to.

The fourth layer, this one has two small islands in the middle of an ocean. Water is salt water and between the islands there is only one tree for shade.

There is no shelter, and on a whim if the ocean decided to storm then it does a lot. This is a place where souls who were miserable in life and tormented other souls go here.

Everything okay so far Tabs?" Drake looked at me, making sure I was processing everything and if I had any questions to ask.

"Actually, I am good, this is so interesting and no questions yet" I said making sure I was comfortable for Drake to continue.

"Okay had to check, now for the fifth layer, this is actually where we will be going later today. This one is what you might consider a market.

It is where everyone trades and sells or buys what they need, it is set up for every demon to get what they wish to have or need for whatever reason.

Do not ever go here on your own, not until we are married, and you carry my official mated seal. Other demons will see you as a prize and try to keep you for themselves and we will let us say that would not go well for them and I am not sure I want to rip apart the underworld at this moment to replace it all over again.

Okay Tabitha? even with your guards it isn't safe to roam around unless it is in this layer" he was asking me to stay put but I knew he wanted to keep me safe until we were married, and I understood where he was coming from.

"I won't go anywhere that I'm not supposed to without you except for here" I said taking a sip of my drink, a bit annoyed but also, I would be stupid to roam about the underworld on my own.

Who knows what horrors are out there and what they would do to me, and I was not ready to find out ever.

"That is my girl" Drake said giving me a quick kiss on the lips, which got a growl from him when I took my tongue and licked my lips after our kiss.

"Continue love" I said with a wink, I could hear our guards chuckling, I could see Drake take a breath to steady himself, I knew that feeling that was gripping my core wanting more of him.

"There is the sixth layer, this place is a void of everything. Anyone who was evil in their human life comes to this place where their soul floats around.

This void is like being in a dark room with a small light at the end of the tunnel kind of thing, but you never move towards the light. Even the demons who disobey me go here.

This one is warded from both sides.

Now for the last layer the seventh, this one is for lost souls that are stuck basically. Here they have a chance at redemption every so many years that they are in there.

This is a place looking like a worn-out city that is overgrown with nature. These souls just wander around aimlessly, forever lost in a daze.

And that my love is the underworld by layers, I want to stress though that this place is full of demons that have no issue with taking you away from me seeing that you are a prize.

Why I say that is you are the only female demon that looks like a human girl but is a full demon on the inside which means you can take a lot of things without breaking" he said looking me in my eyes.

Taking a breath, I let all the information settle in my brain to process it all.

"I get it and thank you for telling me what goes on around here, and I know not to go anywhere without my guards and you until we are married, and I carry around your mark" I said getting up to see what there was to eat.

For the next few hours everyone sat around and talked as I made us stuff to munch on since it was only one in the afternoon, and we were heading to the market at around four when it opened. 

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