Chapter Seven

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Putting his arm around me as we walked down the hall, I leaned into his side, I knew we would have stares and whispers, but it made me smile that I could see the girls were jealous.

We got to our first class, walking in we found some seats together. Drake had to introduce himself in each class we had throughout the day.

I felt bad for him having to stand up and talk a little about himself, everything was going nice and smooth, the girls of course were all in dream land with him and the guys just grunted, and some gave dirty looks.

The only issue was at lunch time, instead of the cafeteria we went out to the front lawn and sat underneath my favorite tree, the one I always ate lunch at.

Leaning against him while we ate in quiet was nice, I could feel his warmth that helped stop the biting chilly air that was developing, plus he kept one arm wrapped around me.

I knew it was his possessive stance letting everyone know that I was his, and I loved it, the first time ever someone wanted me to be theirs and a bonus that he was sexier than hell.

"So how do you like your first day so far?" "It's not too bad, I just don't care for all the guys staring at you," Drake said as he kissed the top of my head.

That made me laugh, "babe they aren't looking at me like that, they want to know what you see in me" I said turning my head to look up at him.

"If those idiots can't see this amazing, beautiful woman that has been in front of them this whole time that's on them" he said as he claimed my lips.

The one thing about Drake, he makes me feel alive, beautiful, and wanted, I never felt any of those things until now.

"Tabs, I see you're finally joining the living and doing things like a normal teenager" Tony said as he walked over, looking up at him I could see something different with him.

"I thought I would try something totally new" I said with a smile, I was not going to let Tony ruin my day for a change. "That's good, I always figured one day you would, but I never thought you would be hanging out with Drake though" he said looking at me directly.

"What are you talking about?" starting to get irritated, I figured Tony would not leave well enough alone.

"Careful Tony" was all Drake said with a tone to his voice that had a bit of an edge to it, Tony looked at him and smirked.

"Tabs did you know Drake isn't as sweet as he claims to be, see he's related to my stepdads' side, I don't know how they won't say but all I know is every school he goes to the hooks up with one and then poof he's gone once he's had his way with them" Tony said waiting for me to do or say something.

"Bull shit Tony, you would make anything up just to make me miserable, you couldn't ever stand to see my happy even when we were kids" I said standing up.

"And another thing" I poked his chest, "mind your own damn business for once" I said and started to walk off, I hated to leave Drake but right now I just needed a moment.

Tony knew how to get under my skin, and I so did not want to start doubting Drake or anything between us, I was finally happy, and I prayed that what Tony just said was full of crap.

I did not want to just be another notch on the bedpost as the old saying goes.

"Babes wait up" I could hear Drake call out, my body instantly slowed down, I swear it has a mind of its own anymore, as soon as Drake was standing next to me, he turned me to look up at him.

I could get lost in his eyes, "sweetheart don't listen to that idiot, I don't hook up and leave not my thing, and what's going on between us I've never had before, and you know what I love these feelings that are developing between us" he said and leaned down and kissed me.

Right there on the front lawn for everyone to see, Drake picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, and for a moment I forgot we were at school, and everyone was watching.

But in that moment, I did not care, I was all wrapped up with Drake, his lips and his hands and his body, I could be like this forever with him, he made me forget about everything else but him and I. 

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