Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Waking up to the house full of people, didn't do well before my coffee. I reached over and felt that Drake had not come to bed last night. Before I could dwell on it Zeek came waltzing into my room.

"Good morning my dear" he said a bit too cheerfully. I grumbled a good morning as I got up to use the bathroom. Once done I walked out and saw he was laying on my bed waiting for me.

I didn't bother saying anything, just went to my closet and grabbed a sundress until later when I had to get ready for my wedding.

Not even fully awake or even thinking, I stripped out of my night shirt and was about to put on my dress when I heard a hiss of intake of air coming from Zeek.

I turned to look at him and saw his eyes had changed color, "Tabs please you are going to get me killed doing that" he said on a whisper.

Standing there naked in front of Zeek, my brain didn't register what he was talking about until it dawned on me, I threw on my sundress, "sorry Zeek not fully awake yet" I apologized to him.

Zeek was in front of me in a flash, taking his one hand and lifting my chin up so I was looking into his red and gold swirling eyes, "you are lucky my dear that I like my life or else I would have ravished you right then and there to where you would be screaming my name on those perfect lushes' lips of yours" he whispered.

Standing there looking into those eyes of his, that thought appeared in my mind and my core was instantly turned on. Zeek inhaled my arousal.

He groaned and stepped back, "let's take you downstairs and some coffee in you" he said as he opened the bedroom door, I knew he was putting distance between us.

Shaking my head to clear out those thoughts of having wild sex with Zeek, I headed downstairs to down a pot of coffee.

As we walked into the kitchen I stopped in my tracks, there were about twenty demons walking around putting things together and cooking. "What is going on?" I asked.

Zeek was right beside me as the room fell silent and everyone turned to look at me. "This is what Drake had done so tonight after the wedding there will be a reception" Zeek said putting his hand on my back and steering me to the island where my coffee was being put in front of me thanks to Darius.

I smiled up at him and he smiled back, within a moment he was back to being serious and barking orders at everyone in the kitchen.

The noise drowned out as soon as the first sip of coffee touched my lips, as it went down my throat, I let out a soft moan, Zeek stiffened against my back as soon as he heard me.

Relaxing as I continued to enjoy my coffee, "you know Zeek, you are going to have to get used to me moaning in the morning" I whispered in his ear.

The smirk on his lips made me smile, "am I going to see Drake anytime today before the wedding?" I asked him, Zeek looked down at me, "I'm sorry Tabs but no" was all he said but I could read his eyes, he knew that was upsetting me, "you have something better, you have me" he said and winked.

I took my cup of coffee and went into the family room, where I sat in Zeek's favorite chair next to the fireplace. Zeek popped his head into the room, "you wanting to be alone, or do you want company?" he asked.

"Just for a bit I would like to be alone, if that is, okay?" I asked, Zeek nodded his head and stepped out of the room, he understood my need to have a moment to myself.

Zeek wouldn't be far if I needed him, he was right outside of the door.

Laying my head back against the chair, I hope I was doing the right thing, I knew I was in love with Drake, and I wanted to be his wife. But what happens when he is gone all the time? What am I to do?

Looking at the clock on the wall, I saw I had exactly five hours before it was time to get married. Taking a breath to steady my nerves I decided to go take a nice long hot bubble bath.

Walking up the stairs, Zeek was two steps behind me. "Zeek, you know I'm just going to take a bubble bath, if there is anything else you wish to do, you know you can do it" I told him as I stood at the top of the stairs.

Zeek looked up at me, the only time I was taller than him, "Tabitha, it is my honor and duty to watch and take care of you, there is nothing of greater importance than to be with you" he said.

"Okay" was all I could say after that speech he just gave me, true or not I wasn't going to stop him from doing what he wanted to do.

Once in the bathroom I turned on the water and added the bubbles, while the tub was filling, I went to ask Zeek to grab me a glass full of ice water so I could sip it while in the tub.

I always had this thing that while soaking in the tub I needed a glass of ice water with me. "Zeek, would you be able to get me a glass of ice water?" I asked as I was lighting the candles.

"Of course," he said and left the room.

I grabbed my robe and slippers, hanging them up in the bathroom I turned on my music, making sure it was the one that had my relaxing piano music so I could unwind my nerves about tonight.

I left the door open a crack, knowing that I will be under a ton of bubbles when Zeek gets back up here so I wasn't worried about him seeing anything that he shouldn't.

Well after this morning's mishap.

Slipping into the tub that could easily fit six people, I found myself sighing once I laid back. The water was off, and the bubbles were on the top of the tub.

Making sure the towel was behind my head I settled in. Closing my eyes while listening to the soft piano music, my muscles began to relax as did my nerves.

I could hear the door creak open a bit, "thanks Zeek, just set the water here next to me, I should be out in about thirty minutes" I said still with my eyes closed.

I heard the door shut and lock, at that point the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up.

Opening my eyes, I saw Tony standing there with a smirk that wasn't friendly at all. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, kicking myself in the ass for not keeping Zeek here with me.

"I told you I would see you again my dear Tab, I don't know why you think I would stay away; we are going to be together one way or another" he said as he walked over to the tub. 

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