Chapter Twenty-Five

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A few hours later Ignores showed up with four dresses in hand. Zeek showed him to the family room where I was comfortably sitting reading a book.

"Tabitha, it is a pleasure to see you again" Ignores said, looking up I smiled, "nice to see you as well" I said as I put my book down knowing that I was about to spend a few hours trying on dresses.

"Let's get started shall we, I brought ones that I think would look perfect on you, but if you don't like any of these, I can write down what you are looking for and I know I will make sure you have it" he said going to grab the first one.

I looked over at Zeek where he was sitting in his favorite chair that was in the corner near the fireplace. "I'm sure whatever Tabs picks out will look perfect on her even if it's a potato sack" he said snickering.

Rolling my eyes to his comments anymore seems to be my new normal. Standing up I walked over to the first dress Igones pulled out. It was breathtaking.

I took it and went into the bathroom to change; I stood in the mirror and my breath hitched. "Get out here" Zeek yelled, I opened the door and walked out into the room.

I heard a few gasps, Zeek couldn't stop smiling like he just won the lottery, Darius stood there with his mouth gapped open and Soar had a low growl to him.

That one I couldn't understand but didn't bother paying any attention to it. I stood in the middle of the room and slowly twirled in a circle, "well what do you guys think?" I asked.

Wanting their opinion meant a lot to me. Zeek stood up and walked me over to the full-length mirror, standing behind me "you look like a queen in this Tabitha, it is stunning on you" he whispered into my ear.

I looked at the reflection, the dress was a dark red that had gold specks throughout it, and it shimmered wherever I went. The top part hugged my body and at the waist it flowed out just how I wanted it to.

Igones walked over and handed me the veil that was black, I noticed it had silver specks in this one that seemed to glow as soon as I touched it.

I didn't want to take this dress off, Zeek helped put the veil in my hair and I turned to face the guys. Looking at each one I saw a display of emotions that went through their eyes.

Soar couldn't stop growling, "what is wrong with Soar?" I whispered to Zeek. He took a moment and realized that Soar was growling, extremely low but you couldn't miss it.

Zeek walked over to him and in a language, I had no clue what was being spoken between them. Suddenly Soar walked out of the room, Zeek turned and walked back over to me.

"Soar is going to sort himself out" was all he had to say on that one. I was still confused but I trusted Zeek to take care of these kinds of matters for me.

I stayed in the dress that Igones brought to me, and he showed me the rest of them, and I wasn't even going to try any other on. The dress I was wearing was the one.

The rest of the dresses were put away and after Igones left, I stood in front of the mirror, I was in love with this dress. It was so simple, yet it wasn't.

The top part that formed to my body was made from lace, and the only thing it covered completely was my nipples. The rest of it was sheer.

The dark red seemed to make my body look like I was an actual demon with the same skin as they had.

Zeek walked up behind me after showing the tailor out. "Tabs you look absolutely stunning, and if you weren't promised to Drake, I would take you as my wife in a heartbeat" he said with a sad smile on his face.

I turned to look at him, "Zeek, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me" I took my hand and cupped one side of his face. "You do hold a special place in my heart dear Zeek" I told him.

"We better get you out of that dress before Drake comes home, we can't have him seeing it just yet. We want it to be a surprise for tomorrow night" he said and gave me a wink.

Zeek helped me out of it and put it away in the bag and hung it up in the one closet that was my clothes and knowing Drake he would not even think to look in there.

Darius, Zeek and I were in the kitchen getting dinner going, laughing, and talking about different adventures the two of them would go on when they were younger.

"Where the hell is Soar" Drake roared when he walked into the kitchen, "I sent him to go sort through things" Zeek said standing at attention, I stood there by the stove confused as to what was going on.

"What is going on?" I asked, Drake walked over, took the back of my head, and leaned over and kissed me hard. "I was informed that Soar was growling as soon as you put on your wedding dress" Drake spoke with a tone that was lethal. "My lord, Tabs has no idea what is going on about that and that is why I sent him away for the time being" Zeek informed him.

Drake still holding my neck, taking his thumb, and rubbing my left cheek with it, "I thought I could trust Soar around you my love, but apparently seeing you in the wedding dress was too much for him and he was about to claim you as his" Drake said through clenched teeth.

"Oh shit" was all I could say on that, no wonder why Zeek dismissed him quickly and would not say anything on that matter.  

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