Chapter Twenty-Three

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We finally made it home; I went right to the kitchen to make something to eat. My nerves were bad after hearing Tony in the market, why was I letting him get to me?

Not wanting to put too much into it, I grabbed a bunch of steaks out of the fridge with a few other things and started to cook dinner. I needed something to take my mind off everything.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Drake asked as he came up behind me and started to kiss the back of my neck, "it will be" was all I could say. What could I really say?

Yes, Tony bothers me, I am nervous as to what he has planned, how was I to tell that to Drake, I just couldn't, not at this time at least. Everything was still so raw between Tony and me.

Even though now he is a full demon, it did not seem to stop him from thinking the thoughts still. My body shuddered before I could stop it. Drake just wrapped his massive arms around me and held me for a moment.

One of Drakes guards came over and started to talk to Drake in some other language that I had no idea what it was. But I could tell it was not good.

Drake's body changed, not in a safe way, it was as if he was gearing up for battle. I stopped cooking and just leaned against the counter watching the interaction.

After a moment, Drake turned to me, kissing me on the forehead, "I have to go and take care of some issues, Zeek and the others will be here with you" was all he said before he stormed out of the house and slammed the front door.

"Well, there went a nice dinner" saying to no one in particular, "Were still here Tabs" Zeek said as he walked in and winked and sat at the kitchen island.

"Why do you always wink at me?" I asked with a smirk on my lips, I bet this one was going to be a dozy coming from Zeek. "I just thought a bit of a flirtation with you, but no harm is all, do you want me to stop winking?" he asked, and I could tell he was being serious.

"Actually no, it's fine Zeek, I was just curious is all" I said and turned back to finish cooking dinner.

Zeek, Darius and Soar all joined me for dinner, the night turned out nice. Better than I thought it would have with Drake taking care of some sort of business.

What surprised me the most is after dinner, Zeek and the other two got up and cleared the table and started washing the dishes. I sat there with my mouth hanging open.

Zeek turned and winked, "never seen a demon do dishes Tabs?" he asked laughing, "no Zeek, I can't say that I have, this is definitely a first for me" I said shaking my head with a smile on my lips.

Now if I told someone about this, I think they would think I was crazy and stay away from me, but the fact remains that these three at least were cleaning the kitchen for me.

After everything was cleaned and put away, Darius went out on patrol, while Soar walked around inside the house. "If I'm safe here, why do they keep checking on everything?" I asked Zeek as he sat across from me at the kitchen table.

"You see Tabs, even though you are safe, you will soon be our queen plus with the threat of Tony still wanting you as his, that ups the ante for anything to go on, and we want to keep you safe" he said as he leaned back on his chair.

So Zeek just confirmed my suspicions about Tony, since Drake would not say anything, just maybe I could get Zeek to spill the beans for me.

"So, I see that creepy tailor Ignores will be here tomorrow for a dress fitting?" Zeek asked, "I guess so, but why does he give me the creeps as well?" I asked.

"Well since that demon is over six thousand years old and he is only five foot and has a taste for human flesh, no idea" Zeek said then busted out laughing once he saw my face.

"Messing with you Tabs, well not about his age, but he is just one of those kinds that gives off a certain vibe."

"How old is Drake?" I asked Zeek, and I knew he had to be old once the look was on his face, "you never asked him?" Zeek said looking at me like I was nuts for not asking Drake this question.

"Not really, I just forgot that part" I said looking down at my hands, "it still wouldn't change anything. I am in love with him and want a family still but curious" I said looking right at Zeek.

"How about this my dear Tabs, you ask him, then tell me what he says and if he doesn't tell you the truth then I will" he said as he crossed his arms.

"Okay deal" I said and smiled at him, I knew demons and their deals, and I just made one with Zeek, good or bad no idea yet but hopefully it was a good one.

Zeek laughed, "already making deals with a demon, I am surprised at you but it's a good one though Tabs, I would give my life for yours and I will always protect you no matter what, so no need to worry about our deal" he said with a wink.

"Do you know when Drake will be back?" Zeek thought about it for a moment, "honestly Tabs, no idea sometimes it's only a matter of a few hours to a few days depending on what sort of crap has gone on" he said as he stood up.

"Oh, okay" was all I could muster, first night in our home and he was not around. Zeek then put out his hand for me to take, well hand would not really be what he has.

Zeek was a monstrous demon, standing well over seven feet and was a demon that was solid muscle everywhere, his one hand could wrap around a basketball and still have room to spare.

The only downside is his hand was full of claws, which were sharp and deadly. Around me, he was able to retract them most of the way. 

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