Chapter Fourteen

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Walking into Tony's was a new experience, Tony I think was speechless for a good five minutes when he saw me walk up to the house. "Holy shit Tabs, you look amazing" he said looking me up and down.

Drake was next to me in a heartbeat and let a low growl come from him, which Tony checked himself fast, that got me laughing. But I do not blame Tony one bit when you have the devil himself threatening you.

Everything was all set, the music was going, the beer was in the garage and so was the food, where things were to stay for the most part. Tony always took everyone's keys that drove, and they had to have a designated driver to get them back.

If not, they got a cab and had to come back the next day to get their cars. I have always given Tony credit for that; he played it smart. "So, what are you supposed to be?" I asked Tony when we went into the kitchen.

He turned and looked at me, "are you being serious right now Tabs?" he asked while grabbing us some pop from the fridge. "I can't help it I have no clue" I said sitting down or at least trying to in this outfit.

"This is how I normally look now when I don't have to worry about my skin" he said standing there all proud. "Wait, you get to change? I can't" I said standing up and going over to check him out.

"Not cool, my eyes don't change and neither does my skin" I said deflated now that I see Tony gets to be able to change his skin and such.

His eyes were a red color, and his skin took on a dark red hue to it with black veins that ran throughout his body. Even his teeth were sharp and pointed.

"You don't change?" He asked shocked, "Nope, what you see is what you get" I said with a sigh, leave it to me to be able to become a demon but nothing special.

"Baby you are perfect as you are and trust me, I love you this way and besides, you are about to become my wife, so it won't matter what you look like, I prefer not to have to rip humans or demons heads off for looking at you" Drake said as he entered the kitchen.

"Holy shit" Tony whispered when he saw Drake, I turned around and my body went crazy, Drake stood seven feet tall, dark red skin, eyes that glowed yellow or red depending on what form he took, he had massive black and red wings with sharp claws on the tips of them.

His body was massive, full of muscle wherever you looked. He was wearing black leather pants that molded to his body, and oh he filled them out very well.

His hands were claws that you could tell were razor sharp, only thing I did not see was his horns. Cliché I know but still.

Drake walked over to me, and my knees became weak, Drake wrapped his arms around me and kissed me, "you are perfect my love just as you are" he said and kissed me fully.

I molded into his body and moaned just enough that when my mouth opened, he took full advantage, and we were locked in a passionate kiss until the doorbell rang and Tony cleared his throat.

I groaned a bit when Drake broke off our kiss, "soon my love" he whispered into my ear and I was instantly turned on even more with that promise, and Drake smelled the air, turned to me, and smiled.

He could smell my arousal, which before would gross me out now I find it useful when I did not want to talk but I wanted him to know I was turned on and wanting him.

We stood with Tony as the kids from school showed up, I had to laugh when Terra saw me, her mouth dropped and she almost fell into Tony, "damn Tabs, what has gotten into you lately?" she asked looking me up and down.

"Me" was all Drake said and I busted out laughing, knowing full well what he meant. Terra just looked at us and turned around and walked away.

After a while I needed some air, the house was getting too hot and crowded, most wanted to talk to Drake asking him about his "costume" which always had me smiling.

I went out back to the gazebo, sitting down I remembered this is where I meant Drake, not too long ago, how things have changed in just a matter of a few short weeks.

My cell buzzed, looking at it, my parents texted me happy birthday and that they will be gone on vacation for another month or more, so the house is all mine.

That was it, nothing else to it, but why would they say anything else since they sold my soul before I was even born. I saw Tony come outside with his phone as well.

"You get a text from your parents?" he asked, "Ya, a happy birthday we aren't coming home don't know when and the house is yours" I said putting my phone away.

"Same as mine, this kind of sucks, I miss seeing them and being here when I came home from school, now they are never around" he said sitting down next to me.

"Well at least you had good memories, mine were always doing their own thing and letting me figure out everything mostly on my own, hell I had to learn to cook my own meals once I turned ten."

"Are you doing okay Tabs, with all that has been going on and that will go on after we graduate?" he asked, looking at me.

For once he was being the real Tony, the one I would see occasionally, when our parents decided to ditch us from time to time.

"I'm okay actually, it is just taking a bit to get used to and not knowing what all is expected of me" I said looking up and seeing Drake open the door and walk this way.

"I get Ya there" Tony said and stood up and walked into the house.

"Everything okay sweetheart?" Drake sat down next to me and put his arm around me, "everything's good, parents are gone for another month or more, so the house is ours" I said looking up into his eyes.

"That's good, because we are going to need a house to ourselves since I plan on ravishing you every night and morning and afternoon" he said and kissed me softly.

Leaning into the kiss, I could feel myself being pulled onto his lap. Breaking off the kiss I looked deep into his eyes, "I'm nervous about what is to be expected from me" I whispered.

"You are going to be fine love, you will be my wife, mother to our kids and I will take care of everything else" he said as he kissed my lips gently.

"Besides baby, your parents are no longer your parents, that was the deal once they signed the contract with your soul, even though they gave you to me, I didn't know I would fall in love with you and want us to be married, but that one night I saw you sitting our here on your own away from everyone, and I saw your eyes looking into mine, that is when I fell for you."

"Who would have thought that the devil himself would fall in love with a human girl even before she was demon bound" I said smiling up at him.

"Not even I expected it, but I am so glad that you are mine and I am yours, besides, we have this one to protect" Drake said as he rested his hand over my stomach. 

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