Chapter Nine

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"Sorry baby, some things came up and I had to take care of them" Drake whispered into my ear, I mumbled something then fell back asleep.

I sat up in bed, "what the hell, how did you get in?" I asked trying to calm my heart rate down, looking over I see Drake is in bed under the covers next to me.

"The door was unlocked so I let myself in figuring you would be asleep" he said wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer to him. I swear I locked the door, but then again maybe it was locked and not thinking I unlocked it thinking I locked it.

Stranger things have happened to me before, so I was not going to think about that when I had a very sexy naked man in my bed.

I leaned over him and kissed him, wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me down on top of him, I could feel how hard he was since it was pressing into my stomach.

He took my top off and rolled me onto my back, kneeling on the bed, Drake took my shorts off and spread my legs, smiling at me, and raising his eyebrows he lowered himself between my legs.

His mouth could do wonders, as soon as I was close, he stopped and climbed on top of me, using his knees to keep my legs open for him, as he lined himself up to me, he thrusted deep and hard inside of me.

Wrapping my legs around his waist I pulled him closer to me, dragging my nails up and down his back as he descended and claimed my mouth with his.

Our bodies were locked together as we both reached our climax, "you are mine my love, your body and soul" he said looking into my eyes, "yes I'm yours and you're mine" I moaned out as I was getting closer to release.

As his thrusts became faster and harder, I screamed his name as I hit my orgasm, just then Drake roared my name as he filled me up with his seed.

As we came down off our high, we were wrapped in each other's arms, kissing each other as we caught our breath.

"Tabs, look at me for a moment please" Drake whispered in my ear, I moved my neck and looked at him, "I'm falling in love with you but there's something you are going to need to know" he said as he leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

"I'm falling in love with you also Drake, the only man who has stolen my heart and my soul and I give them both freely to you" I said kissing him back.

But Drake stiffened as I said those words, just then a shimmer appeared over us and was gone just as fast.

"What have you done my love?" Drake asked as he closed his eyes and took a breath, I laid there watching him, no idea what he was talking about.

I was extremely tired at that moment; I closed my eyes while lying in the arms of my love was all I knew at that moment.

Waking up to my alarm was something I always hated, but then I remembered who was in bed next to me and I smiled, looking over I saw Drake with his one arm over his eyes.

"You have got to stop setting that damn thing" he said, and I snickered, I knew exactly how he felt, "but then we would miss school and be in bed all day" I said getting up.

He pulled me back and wrapped his arms around me, "and that is a terrible thing? To spend the day in bed with your other half?" he asked, laying there I didn't want to get out of bed now.

"Not bad, we just need to go so they don't contact my parents with me skipping school" I said with a sigh, Drake leaned over and kissed me quick before he got out of bed.

"Well then let's get this day over with because in a few days it is Halloween, and we are going to do it upright this year" he said with a shimmer in his eyes. 

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