Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Zeek checked out the house before I was allowed in, making sure it was safe for me. Once it was Zeek took my bags and I followed him in.

Shutting and locking the front door, I leaned against it, "this sucks Zeek" I said. He turned and looked at me, "I know it does, but unfortunately this is how things will always be my dear Tabs."

I went into the kitchen to see about the food and the fridge was bare, "Tomorrow I need to do some shopping," I said as I started to look in the cupboards.

"Whatever you need we will get" he said as he sat down and watched me move around the kitchen.

I wasn't sure how long I was going to stay but I knew I wasn't going back anytime soon, since Drake didn't feel our wedding was important enough to at least take a day off work and marry me.

Why should I rush back to an empty home? At least here I knew this was my home or was all my life until the time I went to live with Drake in the underworld.

"What do you want to do Tabs?" Zeek asked as he watched me, "well since you're stuck with me, want to see what is on television?" I asked. Zeek got up and I followed him out into the family room.

We both sat on the couch, and I rested my head on his shoulder when I found a good movie for the both of us to enjoy.

I felt myself being picked up and carried, next thing I knew I was being placed in my bed, and the covers pulled up over me.

"Stay with me" I whispered, not bothering to open my eyes, I knew it was Zeek, I could tell by his scent. His scent was of the woods after a rain, and campfire smoke. The two scents combined were a nice combination.

Without a word he slipped in bed next to me and I rested my head on his chest and fell back asleep, as he started to play with my hair.

I woke up to the sound of two terribly angry male's downstairs discussing who knows what at this hour of the morning. Getting up I noticed I was still dressed.

So, I went downstairs to see what was going on as soon as I hit the bottom step, I saw it was Drake and Zeek in a heated discussion.

"Good morning Zeek" I said as I walked by and went to the kitchen to fix my morning coffee, and I purposely ignored Drake, serves him right for stopping our wedding for work.

Drake stormed into the kitchen, "are you going to ignore me now?" He growled, I turned and poked his chest, "Yes, since your work was way more important than our wedding, and since you didn't even care enough about how that was going to affect me" I yelled at him.

Just then one of his guards showed up and talked with him for a moment before disappearing, "I have to go but this isn't over" he said, "you're right this isn't over and don't come back to me until your work is taken care of" I said with my back facing him.

"Is he gone?"

"Yes, he just left" as soon as Zeek said that I broke down and let the tears fall all over again.

Zeek was in front of me in a heartbeat, wrapping his arms around me, just holding me while I fell apart. "I wish he felt about me as you do Zeek" I said muffled into his chest.

"One thing about him Tabs, is that he has always been busy like this, I really don't think he knows how to turn it off and separate the two just yet" he said as he kissed the top of my head.

I looked up at him, Zeek took his thumb and wiped away my tears, "let's get you some coffee and we can go shopping and spend the day doing whatever you wish to do" he said.

"I like that" I said as I made the coffee and while that was brewing, I texted my parents to let them know I was at the house, and I was staying here for a while.

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