Chapter Eleven

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Sitting in my first hour and Drake was nowhere to be found, I wish I knew what he was doing. I see Tony is back in school today and of course now that Drake is not here Tony has his sights set fully on me.

Not really in the mood to deal with him, but since they are family and I am dating Drake, I should just ignore him, and things will stay quiet.

After class I had to go to my locker, and forgot my math book, which is what I get for not paying attention to what books I grab. "Well Tabs where's your knight in shining armor?" Tony asked as he came up behind me.

"He's busy" was all I said as I shut the locker, people were walking in the hall getting to their class, a few were curious to see Tony and me talking, that was unheard of before.

But now it seems no matter where I go, someone is always watching or whispering about me anymore. Tony put his arm against the locker blocking me from going forward.

"He ditched you Tabs" he said as he leaned in towards me, "say what you want Tony, but honestly I don't think that's the case at all," trying to move around him was becoming impossible.

With how tall and built he was, it was like trying to move a wall in front of you, it was not happening. One of the many reasons he was on the football team.

Tony leaned in "you know Tabs, I have always liked you, but I couldn't show it, not with how popular I am and well you weren't, it wouldn't look right on me but now that you have been seen with Drake, and now I can talk to you without things looking weird" he said as he was inches from my face.

Moments like these are when I wish Drake were here, this would not be happening to me, I miss being invisible around Tony.

I pushed against his chest, "Tony just stops, alright, I'm in love with Drake and until he decides I'm not what he wants, this is just how it is, okay?" I said looking up into his eyes.

Tony took a deep breath, "you know Tabs, when he breaks your heart, I will be there and I will tell you I told you so, but then I guess I get to decide at that point if you're worth my time or not" he said and before I knew it, he kissed me.

My back was against the lockers, not being able to move, the only thing I knew was what to do at that moment in time, I brought my knee up and kneed him in the nuts.

He pulled back enough for me to get away from him until he grabbed the back of my head with a fist full of my hair.

"You shouldn't have done that" he said with a tone full of venom, taking my head and slamming it into the lockers, I was blinking rapidly, seeing stars and everything else was blurry.

"I am going to teach you not to mess with someone like me" he all but growled out and dragged me into a room that was not much bigger than the bathrooms.

This had no windows and by the looks of it, it was used as storage. Backing up I was glancing around and there was nothing I could use to defend myself, only a few small boxes were in one corner.

"Tony, let me go" I said looking into his eyes, but I did not see Tony as he usually is, there was something different about him in this moment. It was as if it was his body but someone else had taken over.

"You see Tabs, I do want to do this, I think it is time with no interruptions that you and I get acquainted like we should have done years ago."

His words made my body shudder, I knew this was not going to be good, he was so much bigger and stronger than I was. Tony stalked me like a lion would his prey.

And here I stood helpless since I had no weapon, but the look was almost evil in his eyes, that he was enjoying seeing me defenseless and at his mercy.

Before I could blink Tony grabbed me and pulled me to his chest, "Tabs, how long have I waited to be able to touch you and taste you" he whispered as his lips came crashing down on mine.

I tried to push him off me but that was not going to be happening, I could not even budge him an inch.

Tony's hands roamed my body as he kept up his assault on my lips with his, trying to move my head to say something but as soon as my lips moved a bit, he forced his tongue inside my mouth.

A growl came from him as he was tasting me, feeling my body, I could feel how excited he was as the front of him pressed into my stomach. Grabbing the back of my head he pulled my head back.

"Right now, Tabs this is all I am going to do, but at the party which I suggest you show up at, that is going to be our night, you belong to me, your soul is marked for me only" he growled, and his lips came crashing down on me again.

He kissed me till we heard the bell ring for a second time, once he broke off our kiss, he nipped my neck hard, leaving a small mark, "that will work for now" he said and took my hand and walked me out.

"I suggest you keep your mouth shut about this little kiss we just shared if you value anything in your world" he whispered and smacked my ass as he left me standing there.

I could not take it anymore and at this moment I did not care, I grabbed my books and was about to leave when Tony was there, "Nope, you are staying in school where I can watch you," he whispered as he took my bag and walked me to the class that we shared.

I spent the rest of the day miserable as Tony, kept right next to me, I felt more like a prisoner than a student. He even sat with me during lunch.

Everyone was whispering and openly staring at us now, they knew I was with Drake but as soon as he was not there I was with Tony, oh how messed up my life is right now.

What I would not give to being invisible again. Once the bell rang for the end of the school day, I grabbed my bag and was about to leave when Tony caught up to me.

He grabbed my hand and walked me to my car, once I was in, he climbed in on the passenger side. "What are you doing Tony?" I asked sitting there going fully numb.

"I'm going to have you take me home and I am going to have you come inside for a bit before you go home" he said leaning back in the seat.

My blood was rushing through my ears as I was fumbling for my keys, after I started my car, I drove Tony to his house. Shutting off the ignition Tony grabbed my keys and got out.

I opened my door and once I was out Tony was hanging on to my keys, "Tony" I said, and he held his hand out for me to take it. Taking a few deep breaths and grinding my teeth together I walked to him.

"Such a good girl" he said as he grabbed my hand once I was close enough to him. He took me inside and led me to the kitchen, knowing his parents were not due back home for another two weeks, the same as mine.

Once in the kitchen he had me sit at the counter on one of the bar stools that they had.

"Want anything to drink?" He asked, "Just some of the pop you have in the fridge." I mumbled, my throat was dry, and this would give me some time to think of how to get out of there.

Tony grabbed two pops and sat next to me, after sliding mine to me, I opened it and took a long drink from it, Tony sat there watching me for a moment.

"You see Tabs, there have been things in the works long before we even came into this world by our parents, our parents made a pack with the devil himself for some things and we were granted to him on our eighteenth birthday" he said as I sat there thinking this must be joke.

Turning to look at him, "you have got to be joking?" I asked as he just sat there drinking his pop and shaking his head.

"Sorry Tabs not this time, you see your soul is marked for me, and since I already turned eighteen last week, my soul was replaced as now I'm a demon as you will be as well and my other half" he said smiling a wicked smile that made my body shudder.

"What about Drake then?" I asked, and Tony's face fell, "you really want to know who your boyfriend is Tabs? Well then fine since he has not told you, Drake is the devil himself. He has taken a liking to you and trying to take you for his wife instead when you rightfully belong to me" he all but growled out.

I sat there and the room started to spin, "This can't be real, can't be happening." I said as I slid off the stool and fainted right then and there. 

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