Chapter Twenty-Two

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Once we were ready to head out, all six of our guards were in battle form, it was scary to see how they transformed easy going and laughed to stone faces and standing to their full height.

I also noticed with this outfit that I was wearing it showed Drake's mark on my shoulder which he reapplied when we were in the library. That thought spread through me and warmed my inner core.

"Sweetheart, you have got to control your desire, it is very strong and definitely going to attract a lot of attention" he whispered. Crap how am I to tone it down when all I want to do is ravish my soon to be husband.

"I can't help it, I just have this uncontrollable desire to have you inside of me all the time" I whispered back with a smirk on my face, I felt his growl deep in his chest, and Zeek coughed a bit.

I turned to look at him and he winked at me, I forgot they could hear everything that I said, I was not as quiet as I thought I was but oh well if they were going to be my guards, they were going to have to get used to it.

We passed the lake, and I could see a shimmer in the air, "That is the ward you see, that marks the boundaries between layers," Drake said holding my hand as we walked towards it.

The guards took up positions around us as we stepped through and on the other side we appeared in the center of the market. We stood there for a moment.

I knew it would take time for me to get my bearings since it was a pull walking through the wards and my body was not used to it, so it took a moment to get my vision cleared up.

"Once you go through it a few times the ward recognizes you instantly and you won't have any disorientation" Drake whispered into my ear. He kept his hand in mine but made sure I was tucked into his side as we started to walk the market.

Drake was right though about this place, it was amazing all the stalls that held garments, and jewelry. Everything was all the finer things in life that you could want.

But I also noticed all the demons were staring at us, well at me. I walked next to Drake with my head held high and my shoulders back, I was not about to embarrass him in his realm.

I wanted Drake to be proud to have me as his wife and his other half that helped ruled this place. There were a few female demons walking around but not many.

I made a mental note to ask him about once we were home. We walked up to this one stall that held dresses of every size and color. They were all so beautiful and elegant.

"Good day my lord, what can I help you with?" This small demon said as he walked up to Drake, "Igones, this is my soon to be bride and I want to commission you to make her a dress for the wedding, anything her heart desires shall be done" Drake addressed the demon.

"As it shall be done" Igones said, and he turned to look at me. "Dressing our queen will be my pleasure, I shall be ready to come by your home tomorrow with the right dress" he said as he kept eyeing my body.

I couldn't help it, that demon gave me the creeps, "very good, don't be late" Drake put his arm around my waist and lead me out of the tent. I took a deep breath.

"Everything okay sweetheart?" Drake whispered looking at me with a bit of concern, "I'm okay, just needed a breath that store was just too stuffy" I said not bothering to tell him anything else.

"That dude always gave me the creeps also" Zeek said behind me, for some reason he always knew what was going on. I turned my head slightly and I caught Zeek smirking and gave me a wink before his face went back to being serious.

That demon has some serious issues with always winking I thought, suddenly Drake was in front of me and Zeek was right at my back, I mean he was pressed against my back.

I couldn't see a thing; I was surrounded by the guards and with Drake all I could see was towering demons that did not look happy. "My queen, our lord has spotted someone that he feels is still a threat to you" Zeek whispered into my ear.

"Tony" I heard Drake snarl, oh so that's why I am surrounded, "Drake, I see our queen to be, is surrounded by your guards, such a pity, one of these days she won't be will she?" You could hear the smirk in his voice.

I felt a vibration on my back and realized that Zeek was growling, wow, he was already protective of me, did not see that one coming this fast.

"Are you threatening the queen?" Drake said in a voice that was laced with deadly intentions. "Not at all Drake, I will always treat her right" was all Tony said.

"See you later Tabs" and then there was silence, Zeek was still pressed against my back, I could tell Tony must be gone, Drake moved to the side and pulled me close to him.

"Is he that much of a threat?" I asked, not knowing how much danger I was in, "not here you aren't, Tony isn't that stupid to pull off a stunt" Drake muttered.

But I could tell he was not telling me the truth once home I was going to find everything out. I would rather know so I could be prepaid than be hidden in the dark. 

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