Chapter Thirty-One

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The next month flew by, the three of us were as close as we could be. Taking turns making dinners and cleaning up, except for Saturdays, which was Zeek's and mine date night.

Darius was fine with it since he would go to the underworld and stay in our house. He liked having one day off to do his thing. I couldn't blame him for that.

Drake would pop in from time to time and see the three of us playing card games and having fun, or watching a movie, cooking dinner, and joking around.

I knew he felt left out, he never stayed long enough for him and me to hang out or do something together, there was always an excuse.

Zeek would see the hurt in my eyes when that happened, how was he expecting me to marry him when there wasn't much there anymore between us.

"You were promised to him Tabs, so you marry him, and your obligations are done after that, the rest of the time is up to us to spend eternity making each other happy" he said with his signature wink.

"Okay, I will marry him, but I want to spend my lifetimes with you" I said, I couldn't stand on my tip toes to kiss him since he was well over seven feet.

Zeek always knew when I wanted a kiss, he would lift me up so I could wrap my legs around him and then we were eye level so we could kiss. That always lead to the bedroom, where the best sex took place.

Making sure the house was locked up tight and Zeek put a spell on it to make sure no one bothered our home. Zeek took my hand and we disappeared to the underworld.

Where tomorrow I was to be married to Drake.

"How times have changed" I said to no one in particular, Zeek just squeezed my hand. He knew I didn't want to talk as my nerves were all over the place.

Once in the house, my heart hurt, so many great memories were in here, and now there were nothing but ghosts of the past. The house seemed excited that I was back.

Zeek took my bags up to my room, and Darius went to fix us something to eat. With the baby getting bigger so was my appetite.

That night all three of us were in my bedroom, making sure I had everything for tomorrow's big day. They knew I didn't want to be alone.

Zeek and Darius slept on the couches that were in the room while I had the bed to myself. I was okay with that even though Zeek and I have not been apart in over two months now.

Waking up I saw Zeek bringing me my coffee and a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. I smiled up at him, he always knew what I needed and wanted.

"I knew you weren't ready to go downstairs so I thought why not breakfast in bed this morning?" he said as he put the tray over my legs.

Sitting up I took my coffee and moaned as soon as that first sip hit my lips.

After breakfast I took a shower and putting on my robe I went into the bedroom, "Is he here?" I asked Zeek and Darius. "Not yet but he will be" Darius said.

I noticed everything was set up on the lawn by the lake, the band was set up and playing as the guests arrived. Taking a deep breath my nerves were dancing all over the place.

Zeek walked up behind me, "no matter what you will be there, looking lovely as ever" he said as he kissed the top of my head.

"I just hope he shows up and doesn't make a fool out of me in front of everyone" I whispered. That was always my biggest fear with this.

Zeek helped me put on my dress, and somehow it fit over my ever-growing stomach. Zeek placed his hand on my belly, "soon little one" he said and bent down and kissed my belly.

Just then a little kick went out and I laughed, "he kicked me" Zeek said laughing.

We walked down the stairs and out the front door. Taking a deep breath, "you got this darling" Zeek said smiling down at me.

"I wish it were our wedding" I whispered so only he heard it, "think of it as ours" he said and winked.

My nerves settled when he said that to me, it was as if that was what I was wanting and needing to hear at that moment.

As soon as we came into view the band changed the song and began playing the wedding theme.

Zeek was walking me down the aisle with Darius at my back. As soon as we got up to the one marrying Drake and me, Drake was nowhere to be seen.

I looked around and the murmurs among the guests started, I could hear, "poor dear," "what a shame" and so on. I looked up at Zeek with tears in my eyes.

After a few minutes, Darius came back, "he's not coming Tabitha" he whispered in my ear. I knew he wouldn't show up. "Did he say why?" I didn't want to ask but I just had to know why he wasn't showing up.

"He said and I quote" Darius took a breath, "Tabitha is better off with Zeek by her side then me, since I saw how she looks at him, I am not wanting a queen by my side anymore, her bond to me is over, she is free to marry whom she chooses, and the house and the realm are hers." Darius finished.

I looked over at Zeek, and raised my eyebrows at him, Zeek smiled, and Darius replaced Zeek's spot. Zeek stood where Drake was supposed to stand.

So instead of Drake, I was marrying the one demon who made my soul sing. Zeek and I were married, and the guests were happy, the party went on throughout the night.

Once everyone was gone, Zeek and I went up to our bedroom and spend the next day and night making love to each other as husband and wife. 

Souls on Fire will be available soon, the sequel to My Marked Soul! So, stay tuned to a whole new adventure with Tabitha, Zeek, Darius and their new baby.  

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