Chapter Sixteen

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"Tony don't do this please," Tony looked at me and saw my face, I did not want Tony hurt, but I also did not want to be with anyone but Drake.

I got out of bed and walked over to stand next to Drake, "this is the one I want to be with Tony, please just back out of this" I said.

Drake put his arm around me and pulled me to his side.

"No, I can't Tabs, you were supposed to be with me, we were the ones to be married and live a life together, Drake wasn't supposed to fall in love with you, the devil isn't supposed to love."

"But he does, and I love him, I am sorry Tony, but I will always choose him over everyone."

I could see Tony's face fall, but then it was replaced with determination, a look I have seen many times throughout the years.

"I stand by what I said, and I'm sorry Tabs but I know the rules and what the consequences are, I formally challenge you Drake for Tabitha's hand" he said as he squared his shoulders and looked Drake dead in the eyes.

"So be it" was all Drake said while he held me against his side. Tony walked out and I heard the front door shut.

"What is going on?" I asked as Drake walked me back to our bed.

"Tony has challenged me for you , baby, which means he is going to try to court you to win your hand to be able to marry you, but he also knows that if you deny him and chose me then he will forfeit his life here on earth and end up in the lowest pit of hell to serve the rest of eternity there."

"But Tony knows I don't love him, and I won't choose him he has to know I only want you Drake" I said looking down at my hands that were resting in my lap.

Why was Tony doing this, he must know all these things and you do not win against the devil.

"Tony was playing on your weakness to save him, that is why he is doing this," "well he doesn't know me very well then and maybe if he was nicer to me growing up, I might have chosen him" I said getting angry now.

"Now that right there just pissed me off, to use something against me, he has always been doing that to me damn it" I stood up, if I could spit fire right about now, I would be.

Turning to Drake, "how long does this have to go on for?" I asked hoping it was not more than a month.

"Depends really, no one has ever challenged me before" Drake said standing up and walking over to me.

"Love, nothing we can do about it now, let's go back to bed and I will make you forget all about this at least for the next few hours" he said looking down at me with a smirk on his lips.

Drake and I spent the rest of Saturday in bed, the only time we left was to go to the kitchen for food then right back upstairs.

Best Saturday I have ever had; a girl could get used to this kind of treatment.

"My love, I need to go take care of some things this morning, I will be home in the afternoon" Drake whispered waking me up.

"Where are you going?" "I have got to do some of my duties for a bit" was all Drake said before giving me a good morning kiss before he left.

Stretching in bed I decided to take a shower then make myself a nice breakfast.

Since it was Sunday and with Drake being gone for however long, I was going to take the day for myself for a change.

I made myself an omelet and grabbed my orange juice and headed into the family room to see what was on television.

After a while I decided I needed to get out of the house and do something but was not sure what I wanted to do.

It was November officially and at least right now the sun was out and blue skies, so I threw on my jacket and left a note telling Drake I was going for a walk just in case he came back.

Walking past the old cemetery I found myself being drawn into it, taking my time I was always fascinated by the old gravestones.

I kept walking till I found an old, abandoned part that was overgrown with weeds and grass behind this old iron gate that was rusted, and parts were missing.

Looking around I did not see any no trespassing signs. 

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