Chapter Thirteen

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"Tabs, time to get up love" Drake whispered into my ear, grumbling I did not want to get up, I was perfectly fine in bed with Drake. "Do I have to?" I mumbled from under the covers.

I could feel Drake's chest move a bit knowing he was softly laughing, "yes sweetheart, we got to get to school but tomorrow is Halloween and its Friday" he said as he kissed the top of my head.

Groaning, I climbed out of the warmth and stumbled to the bathroom, afterwards I went downstairs to grab something to eat, stopping as soon as I entered the kitchen.

There was Drake and Tony both in a deep conversation that I could not hear but by the looks on their faces it was intense.

"Morning" I said so they knew I was there, both looked up and smiled, "morning Tabs" Tony said as he grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal for me.

"Good morning love" Drake said as he walked over to me and kissed me an exceptionally good morning kiss. He broke away from the kiss before it became more than a kiss.

I went and sat down and had my breakfast, it was quiet in the kitchen, and I knew something was going on but was not sure.

"So, tomorrow night is the party, right?" I asked as I washed out my bowl, "yes, it starts at nine and you have to dress up Tabs" Tony said as we walked to my car.

Once at school, the day went by relatively smooth, Drake was glued to my side which is where I was most content with us together and Tony sat with us at lunch making everyone gossip about what was going on between the three of us.

After school Tony took off with his friends and Drake got into my car with me and we headed towards my house.

Once inside Drake captured my lips, I dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around his waist, his lips moved towards my neck and leaned my head to the side.

"So damn sweet" I heard Drake whisper against my skin, he picked me up and carried me upstairs to my bedroom, where he placed me on the bed.

Shutting the door, he walked over with lust filled in his eyes. He was emitting enough heat that my body was instantly ready for him.

For the next hour we spend wrapped up in each other, afterwards laying there with my head on his chest, "Tabs, there are some things we need to talk about but not tonight, tomorrow night we will" Drake said as he played with my hair.

"That's not cryptic at all" I said with a laugh, turning my head I saw the look in his eyes, they were full of love and lust and desire and there was something else, but I could not place it.

After dinner we went back upstairs and spent the rest of the night watching movies and making love to each other, that is one thing I could forever was with Drake in every sense of the word.

"Babe, time to get up" Drake said kissing my lips, I grumbled and covered my head. "Nope I am staying right here in this bed and letting the day just pass me by" I said.

"Not happening birthday girl" he said as he pulled the covers back, I peeked open my eyes and looked at the alarm clock. "It's only five in the morning why so early?"

Drake did not say a word but spread my legs with his and leaned over my kissing my lips and letting his one hand roam around my body, "do I need a reason to wake my love?" he whispered against my lips.

I let out a soft moan, and let my legs fall to the side gaining him entrance into my core. Which he took full advantage of at that moment.

With one swift motion he thrusted deep inside of me, for some reason this morning he was not being too gentle, but it woke something deep inside of me at that moment in time.

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