Chapter Two

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 "You know Tabs, I could make this party fun for you or just plain miserable the choice is yours," I looked at Tony and saw the smug look on his face after his comment.

I stood there and got a smirk on my face, "how about I get back to you on that one" I said as I walked away, I was the only girl in our school's history to bypass a night with Tony.

I heard a low growl coming from him and that made me snicker, he always growled when he did not get his way, ever since he was a little boy.

I walked into the other room and saw my friends were with their boyfriends and had completely forgotten that I was there, which they did this to me on many occasions.

One of the reasons why I do not bother going out with them, I sighed and decided to go sit out back until I figured out if I wanted to walk home or sit and dodge Tony.

Going outside I saw no one was out here, but then again most were inside drinking or having sex somewhere in the house. I saw the gazebo and walked to it smiling.

One of the best things about Tony's parents' house was this gazebo, I always dreamed of having one where I could curl up and sit with one of my many books during the summer.

I sat down and looked up at the night sky, it was a clear night, and the stars were out in full force, which also meant that the night with no cloud covering made it a lot colder.

But I was dressed for it, unlike most of the girls here with their skimpy dresses that were held on by a string. Closing my eyes and just taking in the crisp night air felt good.

"Are you okay?" a strange voice asked me, I opened my eyes up and saw a guy standing there looking down at me, "I'm fine thanks" I replied and closed my eyes, hopefully he took the hint and left me alone.

"Mind if I sit in here with you?" he asked, peeking open one eye I saw him standing there looking unsure, "help yourself," "thanks, I'm new here and I saw what you were doing and seemed like a clever idea" this new guy said.

Opening my eyes, I looked over at him, he sat across from me, "what's your name?" The guy smiled a bit "Drake" he said. "Well Drake nice to meet you, I'm Tabs, well Tabitha but everyone just calls me Tabs" I said giving him a small smile.

If he is new, then hopefully he will not be a dick like the rest of the guys at my school around me. "If you don't mind me asking, how come you're out here and not inside parting it up with the rest?" Drake asked, looking at me.

"Not my type of scene, friends dragged me to this" I said and leaning my head back, watching him. We did not say anything more for a while, just sat in silence listening to the party that was going on inside.

I knew my luck had just run out when Tony approached, "well Tabs I see you found your favorite spot as usual, made it a lot easier for me to find you" Tony said with a smirk on his lips.

I rolled my eyes, "Ya tony you're just a smart one" I commented which I know was not the best thing to do but some part of me liked riling him up.

"You know Tabs, I thought you would have been a lot smarter than this, every girl in the school wants to be with me and here I am giving you a shot at being with me and you're passing it up?" he asked looking down at me.

I swallowed and felt the lump in my throat. I had a bad feeling about this with Tony. He never liked to be turned down by anyone and if they did, they would end up paying and it was not pleasant to see and now the shoe is on my foot.

"Tony, we have known each other since we were five years old, and you have always made it clear that you didn't like me even back then, so why would you want to even be with me?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

"Because Tabs, you're the only one that no one has touched, and I wanted to be the first so that way I could brag that I deflowered you" he laughed as he said it.

I looked down at the ground, my cheeks were burning, and my eyes were threatening to let the tears flow, but I was holding them back as best as I could.

I may not like Tony or want to be with him, but still I had feelings and what he said hurt, but I was damned if I was going to let him see that.

Looking up at him, I smiled "sorry Tony it will be a cold day in hell before I even consider sleeping with you" I said standing up.

Tony towered over me, "you are a bitch" he said and pushed me back down, "don't touch her" a voice came from behind Tony, and it held a cold dark tone to it.

I looked up and saw Drake standing behind Tony and damn that guy was taller and broader than Tony, the look in his eyes was pure rage, my body shuddered but at the same time it was turned on.

I never had anyone stand up for me before and for once it was a nice feeling.

Tony turned around and saw Drake standing there, "shit dude, didn't see you here and why stand up for this bitch, she is an outcast" Tony said pointing to me laughing.

I noticed Drake was not laughing, "I have my reasons now fuck off and leave her alone" Drake said walking closer to Tony.

I saw Tony backed up a bit, "whatever man" as Tony walked away not looking back. 

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