Chapter Six

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After we placed our order, I sat there watching everything that was going on around us, "everything okay love?" he asked as he was kissing my shoulder.

"Everything is good, just looking around. This is a whole new world honestly, I never go out so to see everyone do whatever is different to me is all, speaking of which I never did ask, are you in my school or have you graduated?"

Looking over I could see he was not going to answer just yet, he was looking around at all the people, "Well I hope you don't mind that I will be attending school with you, but I do graduate along with you, so I hope you won't mind?"

"I wouldn't mind that all, it'll be nice having you around during the day with me" I said as the waitress brought our food over. We spent the next hour eating and talking about what my life was like growing up.

"I can't believe that you have spent most of your high school years holding up in your house, instead of being around all of this" and as soon as he said that he busted out laughing.

I started to laugh "I know it just seems so unreal why would I choose to be alone and not hang out with all of these kinds of people" I replied finishing my chocolate shake.

"Let's get out of here" Drake said as he grabbed my hand and helped me up, we were walking out, and I noticed Terra sitting there with a look of a girl angry that her one friend was happy without her.

Drake helped me get onto his bike, wrapping my arms around his waist felt exactly right. I looked around and saw Tony standing there with a look I've never seen on his face before.

What is wrong with him? Tony never cared for me, he made sure I knew that, so now why is he all angry that I was with Drake? I will never understand how guys think.

We took off and Drake took me for a nice drive, it felt so free being on the back of his bike. A little while later we pulled up to my house, he helped me off.

I looked up at him, "want to spend the night?" I asked as he walked me to the front door, taking my face in his hands, he leaned down and kissed me.

Not a soft kiss but a full on devour you kiss that leaves you breathless, "I will be here in the morning to take you to school" he whispered in my ear then nipped my neck.

"I have to make sure everyone knows that you're mine and I don't share" he said as he kissed me again then turned around and got back on his bike.

I stood there speechless, but my body was on fire, I wanted him, and, in that moment, I did not care anymore what people thought, I ran over to him and kissed him.

I stepped back and whispered into his ear "and you're mine" I said and turned towards the house. I smiled knowing that the little part of me that was always there just dormant, and it was starting to come out.

And I loved it, scared a bit since everything was so new to me, but at the same time I never wanted anyone more than I do Drake.

The next morning, I showered, dressed, had breakfast and was ready to go in record time. I even put on some mascara and lipstick, I felt good inside and was excited to go to school with Drake.

Sitting outside on the porch swing I saw him pull up on his bike, Luckily, I love wearing jeans. Watching him get off his bike and walk up to me is like watching a lion stalk his prey.

Drake was a sexy man, he had to stand at least six foot five, muscles that just screamed to be touched, his shirt was barely contained on his body, jeans that fit snug and molded to his perfect ass.

But his eyes, those dark eyes that almost seemed black with his hair that went to his shoulders was black as well. He screamed mysterious, sexy model, and bad boy all in one package.

I had to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming, this guy wanted only me, and I was more than willing to be his.

Standing up I could not help but smile at him, "hey sweetheart" he said as he walked up to me and kissed me, "hi babe" I said taking his hand that he held out for me.

We got on his bike and right away my arms went right around him, and I squeezed, even though it was like hugging a cement pole. Could not move anything on his body but he was warm and mine, so I did not care.

He started up the bike and we took off for school. When we arrived in the parking lot everyone turned to look at us, when Drake parked, he got off and then as always helped me off and kissed me right after.

I will never grow tired of his kissing, soft lips but a touch of dominance that when he kissed you, your body was on command for what he wanted.

Drake took my hand and pulled me to his side, as we walked up to the doors, I could hear the girls whispering about him. Inside I was saying he is mine, look but don't touch" on the outside I was just smiling a bit.

I walked Drake to the office so he could get his schedule, he had wanted me to wait with him, so I did.

"Tabitha, I would like you to spend the day showing Drake here where his classes are, I made sure to have him with you so that way it will make everything run smooth" Ms. Kile said.

"Yes ma'am" I said, that is all I ever said to the assistant principle. Drake took my hand, and we went to my locker to stash my things. We still had about ten minutes before the bell was to ring. 

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