Chapter Twelve

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I remember watching the night before, looking around I saw that I was on Tony's couch, and he was watching a movie.

"What happened" I asked as I tried to sit up, but Tony was right there "Stay laying down Tabs, you fainted, I don't want you to get sick until you're more stable" he said sitting down next to me.

"I fainted?" no wonder I could not remember much, never fainted before, so I guess not remembering anything is normal.

"I think it's because you didn't eat much at lunch today and just your body decided to take a nap. I don't know but you seem better now" he said as he checked my eyes.

"Thank you for taking care of me" I said and slowly sat up but still leaning against the couch. "Anytime Tabs" he said and smiled at me. I do not know what just freaked me out more, that Tony gave me a real smile or that he took care of me.

At this moment I was not going to question anything, "I should get going home" as I went to stand up, Tony gently pulled me back down, "I don't think you are in any condition to drive, stay the night in the guest room" he suggested.

I did not live too far, but I also did not want to be alone now in case something happened to me. "Okay, just for the night" I said looking into his eyes.

Tony ordered pizza, and we sat there in the family room eating pizza and watching horror movies, it was in fact an enjoyable time with him. "You know Tony, this is actually really nice, you're not going to change and become a dick tomorrow in school towards me, are you?" I asked, getting a bit nervous, I know how Tony used to treat me and make nasty remarks with his friends laughing.

"Nope, I've changed, and I see you in a different light Tabs, I'm sorry I was so shitty to you for all those years" he said and the feeling I got he might mean it.

I'm still going to keep my guard up a bit around him until I know he is telling the truth.

Tony took me upstairs to show me where the spare room was and the extra stuff I would need in the bathroom, "mom always keeps extra for guests" he said as he turned off the bathroom light.

Walking back to the spare room I was going to be staying in, "are you feeling okay though Tabs?" he asked as I turned on the light beside the bed.

"I actually feel fine just really tired is all" I told him; I was not lying I did feel tired but something else was gnawing at the back of my mind I just could not place what it was.

"Okay, I'm going to go downstairs and shut everything off, I'll be in my room that's at the end of the hall before the stairs in case you need me for anything" he said, and he turned around to leave.

"Tony," "Ya Tabs?" "Thank you for everything. I really do appreciate it," I said as I climbed into bed. He just smiled and closed the door part way and left.

I could hear him walking down the stairs and the upstairs grew quiet suddenly.

Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out, I closed my eyes and drifted off to a good sleep I hoped.

"Where the hell is, she Tony" Drake roared through the house, I bolted upright as soon as I heard his voice, something inside of me felt relief but at the same time desire swirled deep inside of me.

"She's upstairs in the spare room Drake, fast asleep so chill" I could hear Tony tell him, but if I knew Drake that was not enough for him, next thing I knew Drake was standing in my doorway breathing heavily,

Before I could blink Drake had me in his arms, holding me to his chest, I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled his scent. Something about him, Drake smelled of pine and smoldering wood, the scent was intoxicating.

"When you weren't at home, I got worried something happened to you" he said as he was kissing the top of my head, "I'm okay Drake, just brought Tony home and when I was having a drink I fainted, and Tony didn't want me staying alone" I said with my face buried in his chest.

"Are you okay baby?" he asked worried and pulled back a bit to look me over, "I'm fine love, just a bit tired is all" I told him, I was tired but no way in hell was I letting go of him now.

I could feel him chuckle a bit, "let us get you back into bed" he said as he pulled back the covers, "as long as you're in it with me" I smirked at him, I was not going to have sex, not in Tony's house but I still wanted my boyfriend to sleep next to me.

"Already had that planned baby" he said as he slid in next to me, pulling me close to him so my head was on his chest. "Did Tony say anything while I was gone?" he asked.

There was something but I could not remember, "not that I know of, but honestly I'm not sure, I can't remember anything from before I fainted, I knew we were talking but I can't seem to remember" I said turning my head to look into his eyes.

"That's okay sweetheart closes your eyes and get some rest, I'm home with you now and not leaving your side ever again" he said as I closed my eyes and finally could fall asleep. 

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