Episode 71 - Lonely Teardrops

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Lady: So, let me see If got this right. VoidCm took over the world specifically so a team will raise up to be worthy of those pendants on your necks and is challenging us to get them and the Mexican girl.

Mama: To somehow control space and time, which is possible as villains in other universes already did something like it.

Alouetta: I thought he needed Jade's brother to do that?

Simone: Probably the Luminary and Saisem pendants might be enough to replace Krystallus in the equation. Which means that using them was his plan b all along in case Karma's fusion project failed.

Karma grunted.

Hanji: I don't think the pendants will be enough, I mean Krystallus has or had.. half of the same soul.

Jade was staring down Karma.

Jade: Bitch.

She was still veeeery hateful to him and then looked at Silver.

Jade: Bitch's bitch.

Commander: Still, the situation is no good... Six New Saisem Guardians... Apparently stronger than the ones before...

Paris: Soooo, who were the fake Guardians then?

Karma: Me as Will Guardian, Christine Diamond as Mind Guardian, Khiana Ran as Passion Guardian, Xiao Envy as Soul Guardian, Dennis Gwyn as Heart Guardian, LiluCm as Spirit Guardian and VoidCm himself as Harmony Guardian. However, he wasn't a fake one for obvious reasons.

Lance: My Ex-Wife was working for Saisem even before they got in power?

Karma: Yes, albeit she really disliked the idea of working with humans.

Nana and Alouetta shrugged and tried not to think about it.

Harper: What does the Cm stand for?

Karma: Pick the option that pisses you off the most and run with it. Now, Mr Bright will you please tell that doll to stop staring at me?

Luiz: Karma, I swear that if you refer to Jade as anything other than her name again, you'll be going straight to the grounded zone.

Karma: "Grounded Zone"?

He points to the corner of the living room and Karma sees one of Luiz' monsters sitting on a bench and looking at the wall wearing a big hat that has the word "dunce" written on it.

Karma: Point taken...

Jade: Because of you, I almost died by the hands, not literally, of my, now, dead clone!

Karma: Your brother's powers materialized the hallucination into reality. That had nothing to do with me.

Jade: You still removed her! God, it was like looking into a warped insane mirror.

Karma: You agreed to remove her from your brother's mind so he could go back to his original personality, remember?

Jade: I know...

She sighed.

Jade: He still loved her more even after knowing she wasn't the real one...

Karma: Well, at least you don't lack the common sense to realize that.

Allen immediately stood up and Silver did as well, but Nana and Luiz forced them to sit down again.

Nana: Rules of the house. No Fighting, no drugs...

Luiz: ...and no skateboards.

Nana: Wait what?

Leo cleared his throat.

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