Episode 4 - Leave me Alone

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A gloomy mood took over the room. Nana was trying to comfort Leo on the big couch while Paris took the newcomers, Delph and Lara to the Office to Luiz fill up their admission information.

Luiz: Sorry about this tension.

Delph: It's ok, it's understandable.

Paris was standing with crossed arms and his back against the wall while the two new guys were sitting in front of Luiz' desk.

Lara: What happened to your eye?

Luiz: Excuse me?

Paris: You have a black eye.

Luiz: Oh, I have that fucking dragon to thank for that. But enough about me, why you both defected?

Lara: Why you ask?

Luiz: Well Paris is a handsome young chap, but I highly doubt you changed sides just because he asked nicely.

Delph: Me and Lara have been close friends since birth. When I decided to defect, she didn't rat me out, but decided to stay.

Lara: We both were thinking about leaving Saisem, but we didn't have courage to do that.

Delph: I had.

Lara: When your friends appeared to take me from there, I was already deeply thinking about following my friend.

Paris: Oh that's so sweet...

Luiz: Sure is, but I don't buy it.

Paris Luiz?

Luiz: I think you forgot the detail that Dennis sent 3 assassins just to kill a defective mechanic.

Paris: True... Delph must know a lot.

Delph: Of course I do.

Luiz: So this is the deal, you two join our team and we protect you.

Lara: I don't see any problem with that.

Delph: Lara?

Lara: The IBI fights to free the world from Saisem's oppression, the exact reason we wanted to defect.

Delph: You think we can help?

Paris: Of course!

Paris made his happy smile that gave them confidence.

Back at the couch.

Leo: Thanks Nana...

Nana: Don't mention it.

Leo: So, why were you fighting with Luiz?

Nana hesitated for a moment and remembered Luiz' words.

"Luiz: Please, keep this information confidential."

She waved her head.

Nana: I don't like him and he has a sharp tongue, the rest you can imagine.

Leo: Just because of that?

Nana: Yes. At least your mission was successful.

Leo: I really want to see Dennis' face when he sees the mess that we left to him.

Back to the destroyed castle, Dennis was just there, standing and looking around with Sora and Chrono besides him.

Dennis: I want them dead.

Sora: Who?

Dennis: These Luminary suckers, I want them all dead.

Sora: Sir, you are overreacting.

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