Arc 1 Chapter 2: Birth of a Symbol

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Arc 1 Chapter 2: Birth of a Symbol

It was a pretty rough match. Toshinori, who was burned up thanks to Enji and Hisashi, decided to pay a visit to the infirmary. He was met face to face with one of the pro heroes, Recovery Girl. She greeted her 'favorite' patient with a playful bonk to the head.

"You overexerted yourself again didn't you?" she asked.

"Hehe..... nope," Toshinori said, "Old Dragon's Breath and Fireass did quite a number on me. Fortunately, no injuries from my quirk this time."

"Well, I actually have things to take care of, so I'll need to send one of my assistants to help this time." Recovery Girl said. "Ms.Shimura, would you be so kind as to take care of Yagi?"

"Yes ma'am," a green-haired woman said.

Toshinori looked at the girl. She looked familiar. It suddenly hit him. It was the girl he saved earlier, Inko.

"Um, Yagi, if you would follow me into that room," she said.

He followed her into the said room and sat on a chair. Meanwhile, Inko was grabbing some materials that she needed. One object was further than the others. She solved that problem by using her quirk to pull it towards her. Toshinori saw that.

"Wow, so your quirk allows you to pull objects towards you?" Toshinori questioned.

"Sort of, it depends on their weight," Inko explained, "anything more than the recommended weight and I end up getting a nosebleed."

Inko started cleaning the wounds he got from training.

"Shimura..... for some reason that name sounds familiar," he said to himself. "Pardon my assumption, but you wouldn't happen to be related to the pro hero Paragon, would you?"

Inko nodded. "Yes actually," she said. "I'm her daughter, but I tend to keep quiet about that. I don't really like getting all the attention being the daughter of a pro."

"Well, your secret's safe," Toshinori said.

"Wait, how do you know my mother?" Inko asked, "Not many people know about her."

"Well, your mother is the reason I even attend this school," Toshinori said. "I was usually a bit self-conscious about my quirk, thinking it wouldn't be enough to be a hero, but she helped me see the bigger picture. She even helped me train it."

"So how exactly did you get these injuries anyway?" Inko asked.

"It's kind of a long story," Toshinori began. "It started in battle training. My rivals used their fire quirk and, well, the rest was history. The other bumps I got were from overusing my quirk."

"What is your quirk?" Inko asked.

"Well, my quirk allows me to shoot blasts of air at my opponent," he started explaining to the beautiful green-haired woman. "I've also developed a super move in which I can take the air around me and temporarily make myself stronger and faster. Like this."

He explained it the best way he could without giving too much detail about One For All. He transformed into his muscle form that he's been working on. His features and his hair changed slightly.

"By doing this, I become pretty strong and can really pack a punch," he said with a smile.

He soon transformed back into his regular self, coughing a bit.

"The only difficulty is I can't hold this form for very long."

"Well, it's a very interesting quirk Yagi," Inko said.

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