Arc 2 Chapter 1: Meet Izuku

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Arc 2 Chapter 1: Meet Izuku.

For the last 4 years, Toshinori had been a happy man raising his family. When he wasn't busy fighting criminals, he was spending time with his wife Inko and his son Izuku. Izuku had grown up admiring heroes for years. He loved everything about heroes, their quirks, their abilities, their costumes, their catchphrases, everything. The young boy rushed into the kitchen to see his mom cleaning dishes. He was jumping up and down excitedly.

"Mama come on!" Izuku said, "The computer!"

Inko chuckled and turned to him.

"Already time is it?" she asked.

Inko turned the computer on and started the video for her son to see. He was rocking back and forth in his seat ready to see it.

"I think you added all these views by yourself sweetie," Inko said, "This is too scary for Mama to watch."

The video started. In that video was Izuku's favorite hero of all time, All Might. He was saving people from a building and also had a big smile on his face. Izuku smiled at that scene as it was his favorite.

"Fear not citizens, hope has arrived!" All Might said, "Because I am here!"

The minute All Might said that iconic line, Izuku jumped up. He held his figurine high in the sky with a smile on his face.

"He's the coolest hero in the world!" Izuku said, "And once I get my quirk I'm gonna be just like him!"

"I'm sure you will son," Toshinori said entering the room.

Inko gave him a kiss and smiled.

"He's getting a kick out of seeing his papa as a hero," Inko whispered, "He has no clue it's you."

Today was a special day for young Izuku. He was going to the quirk doctor to discover what kind of quirk he had. His parents already knew he would have a quirk because of some abnormality in his bones. Izuku was excited about discovering what kind of quirk he would have, but at the same time he was nervous. Mostly scared. He was scared his quirk wouldn't be strong enough or cool enough like his best friend, Yusuke, or as he called him, Yu-san.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Inko asked.

"Nothing mama, I'm..... just worried," Izuku saiad, "I know I'll get a quirk but.... I don't know if it will be a strong quirk. Sometimes I wonder if someone with a weaker quirk could ever hope to be a hero like All Might."

Toshinori remembered asking Shimura a similar question. He then smiled and bent down to Izuku's level.

"Listen well son," he said, "The quirk doesn't make the person, but rather, the person makes the hero. No matter what quirk you have I'm sure you'll use it in great ways. Plus you can always train it so it can be a strong one."

Izuku smiled at his words. He raised his fist in the air.

"You're right!" Izuku said, "When I get my quirk I'll train it so I can be a good hero like All Might!"

Later on, the family were at the doctor's office, save for Toshinori because of work. Izuku was having a few tests done on him. After a few minutes, Izuku was waiting with his parents for the doctor to come out. The doctor entered the room with them.

"Well, we finished the test results," the quirk doctor said.

"And?" Izuku asked.

"Looks like you've got yourself a good career in your hands!" The quirk doctor said.

Izuku had a big grin on his face as he turned to his parents.

"Did you hear that Mama and Papa?! I got a quirk!" Izuku said.

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