Arc 5 Chapter 5: Aftermath

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Arc 5 Chapter 5: Aftermath

Izuku, Iida, and Todoroki were getting their wounds checked. They spent the night there. Todoroki turned to Izuku.

"Were you able to get any sleep?" Todoroki asked.

"Not really?" Izuku said, "I've been thinking about the amazing thing we did."

"Same here," Todoroki said.

The doors opened to reveal Manuel and Gran Torino.

"Kid I have a lot of compliments, and feedback to give you," he said, "However.... We have a visitor."

It was the chief of police, Kenji Tsuragame. Izuku and the others started to get up so they could bow.

"Oh no, please stay seated, Woof," the chief said.

"Woof?" Izuku thought.

"Before the Hero Killer's arrest, he suffered a few injuries and burn marks," he said.

Todoroki looked down at the ground.

"Since the appearance of Quirks, the Police Force have refused to employ Quirk users out of fear that Quirks would be used as weapons and that was why heroes rose up to fill that position, but only if they followed strict rules and morals, as even young heroes like them must know they are not ready to take such roles, as they may harm others with their Quirks," he said, "Yagi. You had permission from your guardian to use your quirk for combat, and managed to keep the damage to a bare minimum. However Iida. You went without supervision to take on a criminal on your own which is a violation of the rules. You and your guardian would have to face punishment for breaking the rules."

"Hold on a minute," Todoroki said, "I can't speak for Yagi since he was given permission, but had Iida not intervened, that hero probably would've been dead. You can't just expect someone to sit by and do nothing and watch someone die!"

"Hold on young man, let him finish," Gran Torino said, "He still has more to say."

"As I was saying. Since this was out from the public and Yagi over here actually had permission, I wanted to give all credit to him and Todoroki since I'd assume you had permission as well, right Todoroki?" The dog head asked.

"He did," Gran Torino said vouching for him.

"Yagi, I just hope you realize how fortunate you three are. Not many students on an internship manage to take on a villain at his level, and live to tell the tale," Kenji told them, "If you'd like, Yagi, I can give you credit for the attack."

Izuku thought for a moment.

"I appreciate the offer sir, but I'd rather wait til I'm a professional hero." he said with a smile.

Kenji smiled at his choice.

"Well you'll still be announced as an anonymous hero who helped Endeavor take down Stain," he said, "And Iida. I assume you've learned your lesson?"

"I did, sir. If not for my friends here it may have taken a turn for the worse." Iida said.

Izuku checked his phone to see a message from his girlfriend. He answered the phone.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Deku, I saw the news about the hero killer!" she said, "Looks like he's finally been captured."

"Yea thanks to us," Izuku told her, "It was kinda scary but it was nothing compared to USJ."

"I'm just glad you're safe," Ochako commented, "So how's your internship?"

"So far so good, nothing out of the ordinary," Izuku said, "How about you?"

"Great!" Ochako said.

"Uravity, we're about to start now," Gunhead said.

"Oh, sorry I gotta go. We can talk more later," Ochako said, "Bye."


Yusuke was getting congratulations for taking on the criminals.

"Wait a minute," Death arms said, "You're that kid during that sludge monster incident!"

"Yep that's me," Yusuke said, "I've changed a lot since then."

"Well my offer still stands once you get your license," Death Arms said, "You sure are useful with that quirk of yours."

He suddenly got a phone call. He answered it to see that Momo was calling him.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey Urameshi!" Momo said.

"Hey Momo!" Jiro said with a sly smirk.

"Jiro?" Momo asked surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"Taking care of crime." She answered, "HBU"

"Well, let's just say I had a..... interesting day," Momo said, "We went on patrol but.... we were stopped by the paparazi."

"Well think of it as a learning experience," Yusuke said, "Probably a lesson about looking good when you do herowork."

Yusuke thought about what happened so far and his time with Momo. He knew he wanted to pop the question and date her. He took a deep breath and asked her.

"Momo, do you remember when I won that bet?" Yusuke asked.

"Yea I remember," she said, "It hasn't been that many chapters."

"Well, I think I know what I want," Yusuke continued, "I was wondering.... would you wanna.... I dunno.... get together sometime?"

Momo couldn't believe it. Yusuke just asked her out.

"Sure, when?" Momo asked.

"Just a sec," Yusuke said before turning to Jiro, "She said yes, but she wants a specific time and date. What do I say now?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday. Try asking that." Jiro told him.

"So how about saturday, if that's ok," Yusuke said.

"Saturday is perfect," Momo said.

"Cool, s' I'll see you then," he said, "Bye Momo."

"Bye," Momo said as she hung up.

She then jumped up and squealed. Her mother overheard and walked up to her room.

"Why so squealy?" she asked.

"Because I just got asked out on a date," Momo said, "Its been a minute since that happened."

"That's so exciting," Rukia said, "With whom are you going out with?"

"Well, do you remember this boy I told you about, Yusuke Urameshi?" Momo asked, "It's him."

"Wait a minute..... I know that boy!" Rukia said, "He actually saved me from muggers. He seems like a very respectable young man."

"He's also a natural fighter. And since he told me this isn't exactly a secret, I guess I can tell you that he's also half demon." Momo said

"Ahh that explains what I saw in the sports festival," she said with a grin, "Then I'm sure he'll protect my little Momo"

Momo blushed at this.

"M-Mom!" She said.

"Just saying," Rukia said.

The rest of the day went by quick as everyone wrapped up their hero internships. Everyone was certain their new abilities with their quirks would help them in the long run, especially Izuku, now that he has a better handle at Full Cowling. In addition to that, he's reached a new output of 25%. He could even go at 30% in short bursts.

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