Arc 2 Chapter 5: Roaring Muscles

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Arc 2 Chapter 5: Roaring Muscles

Students were sitting in a big hall listening to an introduction to the physical portion hoisted by Present Mic.

"ALRIGHT YOU FUTURE PROS!" he started, "It's time for the second portion of the exam to begin, ya dig!"

Izuku was muttering to himself about how amazing Present Mic's quirk was, much to Tadashi's amusement.

"Chill your pill nerd," Katsuki said.

"So here's how this portion is gonna do down kiddies," Present Mic said, "We're gonna send all of you kids to various areas across the city! Around the city there are robots with numbers on them. The robot with the number 1 is worth one point, and the number 2 is 2 points, etc etc, ya dig. That means whatever robot you attack, you earn that much points. Sound good?"

"Pardon me, may I ask a question!" A blue-haired boy said as he stood up, "You say that there are 3 types of robots, however on this pamphlet it states that there are 4 types of robots. Such a disgrace for U.A for forgetting one detail in an explanation."

He turned to Izuku who was still muttering.

"And you, with the unruly hair!" the blue-haired boy said, "You've been muttering this entire time, and enough is enough. If you can't take this exam seriously, then I suggest you leave."

"Hey Chill out robotboy" Yusuke said, "You're the one causing a disturbance by interrupting the professor.

"Now now, let's not all get hasty y'all," Present Mic said, "But yea, that 4th robot is basically a thwomp. Another word for an unkillable enemy. So try and avoid that alright."

While on the bus, Izuku was looking at his notes that told him what he could do so far with OFA. So far he could punch things with super strength, and also leap high when OFA is channeled to his legs.

At the city, he saw dozens of people warming up. Some of them even had some gear. He then saw that girl who talked to him earlier. He was about to approach her and wish her luck. However he was stopped by the blue haired man.

"Excuse me, I'd like to offer an apology for how I was earlier in the room," he said, "It seems like we've gotten on the wrong side of the foot. My name is Tenya Iida and I plan to enroll at U.A.''

He shook Izuku's hand.

"Izuku Yagi," Izuku said introducing himself.

"I assume you're not planning to distract that young lady from her concentration," Iida said sternly.

"No not at all, I was just wishing her luck," Izuku answered.

"Well good luck to you as well," Iida told him.

"And START!!!" Present Mic said, "Come on there's no timer in herowork! Go!!!"

The students started running. Izuku channeled OFA into his legs and started searching for robots to fight. He saw a robot heading for him. He decided to use his super move. He put his thumb and middle finger together and flicked them, emitting a fast paced gust of wind destroying the robot. He earned a point.

"I think I got this," he said.

Izuku continued going around fighting off robots. He saw a 3 point robot and used OFA on his right hand. He punched it hard earning 3 points. Other students were using their quirks as well. The rosy cheeked girl was making objects float. She then used her quirk to make then fall earning herself some points. There was also another kid who shot a nabal beam from his belly button.

Iida was using his legs to boost around and kick robots earning himself a few points. HE failed to see a robot behind him. Izuku was quick to take action. He pushed the robot back with his telekenetic push. Iida noticed this and smiled.

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