Arc 5 Chapter 4: On Patrol

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Arc 5 Chapter 4: On Patrol

Yusuke had spent the last few days training his demon energy and controlling it. There have been some days where he used it in combat. At first it was difficult to master as it was stronger. However he soon got the hang of it. In addition to taking Kitsune's advice, he also got some tips from Momo as far as how to use it. Yusuke also learned some new techniques with his spirit energy.

Needless to say Kitsune was impressed by his improvement over the past few days. He had also found a way to use both sides together. In doing so, he achieved the lesson that Kitsune was teaching him.

"I see you are finally one with your Yin, and your Yang," she said with a smile.

"Yes," Yusuke said, "I've been so focused on using the light side of my spirit energy I never realized how strong my other side is."

"Well, how about we put those techniques to good use," she said, "Time to go on patrol."

Later on, he and Kitsune were in the city looking for crime in the city. It seemed pretty quiet. However the quiet soon stopped as people were running.

"When you see people running...." Kitsune started.

"You find out what's going on, then run to the scene," Yusuke said.

"That's the spirit," Kitsune said, "Now let's go!"

They started asking questions about the situation. Turns out there were robbers in a building. As Yusuke started heading to the building with Kitsune, he heard a familiar voice. He turned to see Death Arms and Jiro.

"Jiro?!" Yusuke asked.

"What are you doing here?" Jiro asked.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing," Yusuke said before turning to Death Arms, "What happened?"

"He got injured during a brawl," Jiro said, "I managed to help him escape."

Yusuke then approached Death Arms, as this was an opportnity to test out a new technique he had been working on. His hand started to glow blue. He then touched the wound. It started to repair itself. Jiro was surprised.

"What kind of training have you been taking?" Jiro asked.

"Training that's one of a kind," Yusuke said, "What kind of crooks do we got?"

Jiro placed her earphone jack on the wall.

"Looks like a few brawlers and one armed guy," she answered, "The armed one is the one who injured Death Arms."

Kitsune used her quirk to sense where the crooks were. She saw the armed guy was near the exit. She then turned to Yusuke.

"I advise going after him first," she said, "Use your quirk if you need to but don't push yourself too hard."

Yusuke nodded. He then went to the area where he was instructed. Focusing a bit of spirit energy into his arm, he punched the wall, startling one of the thugs. He then punched the thug in the face knocking him out. The hostages were secured, thanks to the help of Jiro.

"We got more thugs inbound, top floor," Jiro said.

"Alright. Hang on I got this." Yusuke said. He then ran to the next floor being robbed to fight them off.

"And he calls Midoriya a jackass." Jiro said.

After that one robber got thrown out the window unconscious, one started to scream and run away but hit a pole knocking himself out, the other ones barely put up a fight.

Yusuke could be seen dusting his hands off walking out.

"And I didn't even use my quirk." He said.

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