Arc 3 Chapter 6: All Might Rises

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Arc 3 Chapter 6: All Might Rises

Yusuke saw that creep had Momo captive. He knew he had to do something.

"You're a real cutie, with a bombshell of a figure" the villain said, eying her body, "What do you say we...."

"Get your hands off of her!!!" Yusuke shouted.

He appeared before them and shot spirit guns at the lackeys.

"So you finally made it," he said, "I was wondering if I would ever see you around again, partner...."

Yusuke started having visions of the old days. He and this man were having sparring matches every now and then, however the man was wanting more and urged to be the favorite of the two. However Yusuke was always seen to have more potential. Enraged by this the man killed his master, Genkai. Yusuke would never forget this.

"How does he know you?" Momo asked.

"Well if you didn't know, we were old friends back in the day until things happened," the villain said as his muscles started to grow, "Allow me to introduce myself. I call myself....... Toguro!"

Soon all his muscles were huge. Yusuke got into a fighting stance.

"I don't care who you are," he said, "I'm gonna make you wish you never crossed me!"

He lunged at Toguro and threw a punch at him which he easily caught. He then threw him around like a rag doll. He then dashed right around and gave him a subsonic punch hard in the face. What was one punch felt like multiple punches sending him backwards.

Meanwhile as Izuku, Tsu and Mineta were escaping they saw Aizawa. Although he managed to fight off the villains, he was attacked himself by a strange muscle bound creature. The man in the Kabuki mask stepped forward.

"Allow me to introduce our new weapon designed to kill All Might," he said, "The Nomu! It was created with the help of me, the next big villain, Apocalypse."

It was giving Aizawa a piece of its mind by beating him up horribly.

"While you can erase quirks, you won't be able to do a thing to this creature," Apocalypse said, "Nomu, kill him."

He then noticed Izuku and company.

"Well, looks like I have some targets to practice on," he said, "I'll start with the girl."

His throat started to glow and he began to use his quirk. Izuku acted quickly and jumped at him. He channeled 8% into his arm and let loose with a straight punch.

"Detroit...... SMASH!!!!"

He punched Apocalypse. Or so he thought. His punch was blocked by the Nomu and it didn't dent the creature. The monster then roared and punched Izuku back.

"You like our new toy?" Apocalypse asked, "I designed it for one purpose. To destroy All Might. Once he's out of the picture, my days of ruling this city can be back!"

Yusuke was still fighting off Toguro and having a hard time. Toguro's punches were so hard they could emit gusts of strong wind. Yusuke kept going at him, wanting to take him down. He was then grabbed by the arm and thrown down again. He kept pummling him while Yusuke kept taking it. His arm was channeling spirit energy and then he punched him hard.

He was badly bruised but he still had a lot of fight in him.

"It's ready!" Momo said.

She was using her quirk to make something big. IT came out of her back. It wasa a cannon. She then fired a shot at Toguro who evaded it with easy. However he was going straight into Yusuke who was channeling Spirit energy into his fists.

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