Arc 1 Chapter 5: Vengeful Thinking/America

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Arc 1 Chapter 5: Vengeful Thinking/America

It had been a few weeks since Toshinori and Inko became an item. The news spread all across the school. The two of them have gotten some remarks and congrats. Mitsuki out of all of the kids was happiest the most.

"Its about fucking time Inko!" she shouted, "You two are the it couple of U.A"

Inko chuckled at this compliment. As for Toshinori, he surprisingly got good compliments from Torino. He did advise him not to let it interfere with his studies, which was not going to be a problem.

Everyone was happy about the new couple. Well, almost everybody. Hisashi was infuriated by all of this. He was mad that his girl got taken away from him.

"Damn you Yagi," he said, "I'm gonna make you pay for this.

Toshinori went to grab something from the snack machine. He saw someone in the shadows, and his eyes were glowing red. He noticed he was about to use his quirk, and Inko was in the way. He dashed forward to her.

"Inko look out!!!" he said as he managed to push her out of the way.

Although he didn't get injured as bad, he still felt some pain. He turned around to see Hisashi.

"Hisashi What the hell are you doing?!" Toshinori asked.

"What I should've done last time," Hisashi said.

Toshinori got back up and into a fighting stance.

"Listen, if this is about the breakup then I apologize," Toshinori said, "But you brought this on yourself. Trying to kill me isn't helping anything."

"That blast was aimed at Inko," he said, "Because if I can't have her then nobody can."

Toshinori stood in front of Inko in a defensive pose. He wasn't gonna let anything happen to her. People were starting to crowd the three of them. Mitsuki got in front, concerned for her best friend.

With Mitsuki being the good friend she is, she did the thing any good friend would do.

"Let's see what happens!" She said guarding Inko as Toshinori was about to whale on Hisashi.

Toshinori buffed up into his muscle form only by a little bit. He then turned to face Hisashi. The two of them glared at each other for a minute. Hisashi put his fists up.

"This doesn't concern you Yagi," he said.

"Mess with my girlfriend, and it does," he said.

The two of them clashed at each other with punches. Toshinori only used a small percentage of One For All since he was fighting a student. Hisashi then punched Toshinori in the face as he backed away. Hisashi was about to let out a fire breath but was instantly knocked out by a punch from Toshinori before Hisashi could even react.

"Now you've done it!" Hisashi shouted.

He was about to lunge at Toshinori once again, but he was kicked in the face by a yellow blur.

"BOTH OF YOU! KNOCK IT OFF!!!" A voice shouted.

They both turned around to see Gran Torino. He was furious that students were fighting in the halls. However, most of that anger was directed towards Hisashi.

"You, principal's office," he said.

"Why?!" hisashi asked, "He's the one who attacked me first!"

"I saw the whole thing," Gran Torino said, "Especially the part where you attacked Inko out of pure rage! Principal's office, now! Inko, get Toshinori to the infirmary."

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