Arc 3 Chapter 5: USJ

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Arc 3 Chapter 5: USJ

A few days passed since the incident. Izuku was getting more use to his role as class president. Today Class 1A was heading to the USJ to work on rescue training. Izuku was getting everyone ready on the bus.

"Alright everyone, l-let's get on in 2 single file lines," he said nervously.

Everyone did as followed. Once everyone was on the bus Izuku sat next to Yusuke, while Ochako sat beside Momo. Izuku had to wear a dummy costume since his was torn up in fight training. But he didn't mind. Tsu turned to him.

"Oh yea, Yagi, I got a question for ya," she said.

"W-what is it Asui?" he asked.

"I told you to call me Tsu," Tsu said, "Anyway that quirk of yours. Isn't it a lot like your dad's?"

"Well I....." Izuku said.

"Hang on, All Might doesn't get hurt like Midoriya does though,: Kirishima said, "Though I'm kinda jealous that you have such aa powerful quirk. Well more like you have 2 quirks actually, the super strength and also the telekenetic thing."

"You mean Force," Izuku said, "But you have a useful quirk too, Kirishima. You can make yourself hard to flinch and you could possibly punch things harder."

He showed Kirishim the notes on his quirk and what he can do to improve on it. Kirishima was amazed.

"Wow, you really are smart," he said.

"Yes, but let's not forget moi, the true star, with a quirk both dashing, and dazzling," Aoyama said.

"But it's way lame if it gives you a stomach ache sweetie," Mina said.

"With two quirks and booksmarts you'll be a good hero," Tsu siad, "But as for Bakugo I doubt he'll ever be popular due to his anger problem."


"Just proved my point," Tsu said laughing.

"What a vulgar conversation....." Momo said.

Later on the entire class arrived at the USJ. They all went inside and beheld the facility and all of its glory. Someone was flying around and greeted the students. It was the space hero 13. She was joined by another pro, Tenko Shimura a.k.a Duststorm. However he had hands all around his body so he could disguise himself.

"Oh my god its 13!!!" Uraraka said acting like the little fangirl she was, "I'm such a big fan."

Duststorm looked at Izuku.

"Well its fancy meeting you here Izuku," he said.

Izuku was a bit confused.

"How do you know my name?" Izuku asked.

"Well, I guess it has been ages since we've seen each other," Duststorm said, "I still need to thank you for the gift..... Cousin."

Izuku recognized that voice.

"Tenko!" he said.

Duststorm removed his mask and smiled.

"Its good to see you again."

"Wait, you know this guy?" Kaminari asked.

"Yea this is my cousin, Tenko Shimura a.k.a Duststorm," Izuku told them.

"He and I have a simiar background," 13 said walking by, "While our quirks are indeed powerful, they are also dangerous. Observe."

She demonstrated her quirk which is Black Hole. It can make warp holes to other places. Meanwhile Duststorm showed off his quirk which could decay certain areas.

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