chapter 1~

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Sofia's pov;
*Ring ring* My phone rang, I stretched my hand to get it from my night stand,"hello...",
"hey girl, do you have classes today?" my best friend Nora asked me,"Uhm...yes I do" I told her with my groggy voice. "What time does your class start because Whitney and I have classes together by 9:00am, so I just wanted to ask if you have classes with us"Nora said.

Nora, Whitney and I shared an apartment but I stayed at my parents for the weekend. "No not really, I have class by 10:00am, so I'll meet you both at college" I said already getting up from my bed. "ok meet you there and remember to say hi to your parents for me"she said. "ok bye,I I have to get ready now and I will tell them you said hi" I tell her while giggling. Nora loves my mom because she said my mom reminds her of hers. She lost her mom when we where in high school.

I went to my bathroom to get ready . 30mins later I went downstairs and I met my mom preparing sandwich for breakfast. "good morning mom", "Good morning sweetheart, how was your night" She said while hugging me. I giggle because my mom does this every time I'm around because I only came once or twice in a month to visit when I'm free, so she doesn't get to see me always. I'm in my second year in college studying medicine while Nora studies marketing and Whitney studies business administration.

"My night was good, where's dad?" I asked her while looking around because my dad was usually drinking coffee and reading a newspaper this time, so I was confused why he wasn't here. "Oh he went to work earlier today, something came up.

"Okay now hurry up, you have to leave now because your class start 10:00am and it is 7:30, you have about to drive two hours from here" my mom said while passing me my sandwich she made.

"Alright mom, I'll be leaving now so I won't be late. Uhm by the way Nora said to tell you hi"I say a little loudly cause I was already at the door."oh say hi to the both of them and drive safely my love"she said to me. "Ok I will, bye, love you". I said and entered my car and left for school.

A/N: Ok that was chapter 1, hope I tried a little because like I said I'm writing cause I have nothing to do and I'm trying to be creative, keyword "trying"🥰
See you in chapter 2

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