Chapter 19~

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Sofia pov~

Today made it a week since I lost one of my babies, I've tried by best to distract myself from everything and the negativities but when I was locked up in this bedroom by my over protective baby father and I had nothing else to do but to lie sleep and think, I guess that'd just lead me into depression.

I'd constantly thinking bout my parents and my life back home, it just made me feel like sleeping and not waking.

I tried to convince Matteo of giving me a phone to inform my worried parents and friends but he plainly refused without giving me any reasons and before I could stress the issue further, he'd just leave halfway and lock the door on his way out.

I gave up on trying to convince him so I created a routine for myself that make me not think too much and would also not endanger my baby in anyway; I wake up in the morning, have a throw up session, do my business in the bathroom, have breakfast then go back to bed. I wake up for lunch, after lunch I go back to bed, get woken up by the maids then I take my dinner and go back to bed.

I knew it was such a boring routine, but that helped me take my mind off things and also my baby was safe and that was all that mattered.

I really missed my parents, my mom always made sure I had my breakfast, lunch and dinner. She always treated me like a baby; well I was her only baby after all. I had no siblings, seeing as I was an only child my parents would always spoil me but also made sure to raise a good independent lady.

My dad would always attend to my needs and was always the father that any child would dream to have. I wanted to make him proud by completing my studies, getting my degree and pursuing my career.

I never wanted to disappoint them. I never wanted to worry them, get pregnant and then leave; well technically, get kidnapped by my baby daddy.

They must have been so worried, it was almost two weeks and they hadn't heard anything from me of course they would have been so worried.

My best friends, I missed them so much, Nora must have gone crazy by now and she must have reported to the police about my whereabout.

Whitney must cursed have out all the officers after searching and no results.

I chuckled at the thought of that as a lone tear escaped my eyes. I've been lying here since breakfast, my baby decided to pardon me today by giving me a nausea and vomit free day.

I rolled over to the other side of the bed getting tired of everything, I knew I sounded like a drama queen but that was just how I really felt.

My thought were interrupted when Matteo entered the bedroom; I hadn't seen or had a conversation with him since our last discussion about me getting a phone. He usually entered the bedroom when I was asleep at night and left before I got up but I was not complaining at least I didn't have to get into an argument with him.

"Glad that you're awake, go get ready we're going to the hospital in an hour. You have a check up today" He ordered in a monotone voice without even sparing me a glance as he moved towards his closet.

I believed he blamed me for the miscarriage due to my stubbornness and irresponsibility but I didn't blame him, I blamed myself too and I deserved the treatment he was giving me.

I got up from the bed without a word and went straight to the bathroom to clean my tear stricken face. After my business in the bathroom, I came out to find him seated on the bed with all his attention on his phone, all dressed in his usual Armani suit looking like a damn Italian model.

I moved to the closet to get dressed too. Matteo made arrangements for my clothes to be bought and placed in his closet. I really hadn't entered the closet since he told me that my new clothes had been arranged, mostly because I wasn't leaving the bedroom and no one except for the maids and Matteo came in here so I only wore my robes.

I stared wide-eyed at the different designer clothes in his very large and exquisite closet. My clothes were arranged neatly next to his.

I couldn't wear the clothes there, they were too....flashy; even the regular clothes were also expensive. I sighed when I almost gave up ready to tell Matteo that we need to go shopping for regular clothes but I stopped in track when my eyes caught a dress that looked classy yet elegant and it didn't scream way expensive like the others though I'm sure it was also the same price.

I wore the dress then went to the vanity table to check how my face looked. I wasn't in the mood for make up so I put my hair in a pony tail and left the closet.

When I came out of the closet, Matteo was still sitting on the bed with his stupid phone in his hands . I cleared my throat to let him know I was ready, he immediately snapped out and looked at me. He got up from the bed, straighten his clothes then signalled me to follow him.

I left the room for the first time since I came here. I didn't really get the opportunity the first time to admire his well decorated huge mansion because of the state u was in, but now I had time to check out this heaven like beauty I was at.

The decor was beyond amazing, I wondered how an arrogant man like Matteo had such a nice taste in interior decor except he just paid for the house to be decorated by the taste of the interior designer; that would make sense though.

Wow! There were maids moving around doing their duties... My admiration was interrupted when I bumped straight into Matteo back.

"Oh I'm sorry" I mumbled embarrassed of the situation.

"Hmm" he mumbled back at me not even sparing me a glance. I frowned at his back and followed him. After so many turns and stairs, we finally arrived at his garage.

My legs actually hurts, thank God I didn't wear shoes that were uncomfortable. I stepped back when I saw the mansion's exterior. It was actually something I wouldn't mine taking my time to admire

"Hey, you coming?" Matteo said in a slightly irritated tone. I didn't know why he was always so grumpy, he always complained when I tried to admire his properties; I mean they were very luxurious and beautiful.

"Yeah, I'm coming" I said ignoring his behavior towards me. If one of us were going to be the mature one here, then I guess it would be me since he had decided to act childish.

I halted once again in my steps but quickly regained myself when I glanced at his garage filled with different expensive and flashy cars. Damn! I knew he was rich but how rich?

He owned a private jet, he owned luxurious cars and house; I wondered what kind of job he did that earned him so much money.

I quickly made my way to his Porsche Panamera Turbo not wanting any further complain from 'Mr baby daddy'. I made myself comfortable as he drove off to the hospital.

The ride there was peaceful for me, I enjoyed the fresh breeze from nature and the silence in the car. I didn't spare Matteo a single glance as I kept staring out the window.

The ride to the hospital took about forty minutes, I got down and went straight into the hospital.

I stopped at the reception because I didn't have any idea where we were heading next.

I was shocked when an arm snaked it way aroun my waist, I realized it was Matteo who finally arrived here.

"Excuse me can I help you?" The young lady at the reception place asked while smiling at us.

"No" Matteo said to her and left with his arm still placed on my waist. We entered an elevator to the 6th floor.

All these while, Matteo and I remained silent not uttering a single word and you could feel the tension in the elevator.

A/N; this is the end of chapter 19 guys. I'm very grateful for your patience with me in this book.
Like I said I've been trying to put things in order and also deal with personal issues. I will try to update more.
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