Chapter 33~

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   Matteo's pov~
It was now 8:00pm and doctor Sam advised it was better for Sofia to stay the night for supervision.

   I sent Santi home to go rest while I stayed here though he insisted he stayed with me but I refused.

      I pushed the thought of Mariella calling me, I'd deal with that later. I couldn't believe she flew all the way to America.

     I had gone to a nearby restaurant to eat because the hospital food was disgusting.

     I entered Sofia's current room and saw her sleeping, she still looked pale and tired. Her hand that she had cut had been bandaged.

     I sat on the chair close to her bed and watched her sleeping form, her baby bump had gotten slightly bigger.

    I lean back into the chair and closed my eyes.

I jolted up due to the sounds in the room.

     “Im sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I was checking on her” a nurse said lowly looking sort of scared. I guess she witnessed my outburst to the other nurses.

    I nodded and signalled her to continue her work. She left after she was done with the check up. Immediately after she left, Doc Sam came in smiling at me.

     “Good morning Mr Russo” she greeted, walking towards Sofia.

     “Good morning, uhh when will she be awake” I asked the doctor who began writing something on her file.

     Before the doctor could answer, Sofia started waking up.
When she finally got her eyes open, she squinted it due to the brightness in the room.

      “Good morning Sofia, how are you feeling this morning?” she doctor asked.

     “W..water please” she said in a hoarse voice.

     I poured her a glass of water and gave her to drink.

     She finally adjusted her eyes to the room but looked confused. She looked at the IV attached to her hand and the machine in the room.

    “What am I doing here? How did I get here” she asked looking more confused as doctor Sam explained to her.

     “Sofia, you attempted suicide and Mr Russo rushed you to the hospital, we had to take you to the ICU but you are doing better now” She explained softly to her making Sofia to take a walk through memory lane.

    “So tell me, how do you feel? Do you have any pains or anything I should worry about?” the doctor asked glancing through her file.

     “Uhh, I just... My arms hurt a bit and I have a headache, nothing more”.

     “ok I'll prescribe you some pain relief that are unharmful to the baby” She said, closing her files and turning her attention to me.

    “Mr Russo will you please come with me to sign the discharge papers?” she asked as she started walking out while I followed her.

  When the doctor and Matteo left the room, I let out the emotions I tried controlling in their presence. Uncontrollable tears flowed out as I suppressed the whimpers that left my mouth.

    I couldn't believe that I was so irrational that I almost killed my child. I know that at that moment, I just wanted to end it all, I just felt rejected and vulnerable. I would never forgive myself for my action.

     I quickly wiped my tears when I saw Matteo coming into the room.

    “Sofia are you ready to.... You're crying? Are you hurting? Do you want me to call the doctor?” he asked as he rushed to my side with a panic and worried expression.

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