Chapter 22~

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Today was the day we finally go back to my Homeland, I didn't even have the words to says how excited I was.

After Matteo told me that we were going back, I couldn't care for the reasons all I knew was that I was so excited to finally leave this dreadful place. I counted the seconds and minutes from the day he told me but the days just went by slowly.

Finally I would leave this place and go back to my family...

I arranged my stuffs first thing in the morning, I was so glad my baby decided to spare me morning sickness and stomach cramps, maybe my baby knew that mama was so excited today.

"Sofia, are you ready? We would be leaving in thirty minutes" Matteo's voice snapped me out of my thought when he entered the bedroom fully dressed.

I checked the time on the wall clock and it was exactly 7:30. "I'm ready" I mumbled but I was sure he heard me.

During my stay here, Matteo and I barely made any conversations except when he told me of his company. It was usually "hellos" and "how are you", we hardly spoke about anything but I liked it that way.

After everything that had happened, I didn't want to have any relationship with Matteo, be it friendly or a romantic relationship. I only wanted him as my baby's father.

"Oh ok, we might as well drive to the airport now. I'll have someone get your things in the car" he said then quickly left the room.

I hurriedly followed him so that I wouldn't get lost. When we got to the garage, I saw that Matteo was already in the car so I fastened my steps to the car. I didn't bother to look at the many cars he had because I knew that would make him pissed and I didn't want him changing his mind.

The drive to the airport was slow and uncomfortable as the awkward tension in the car grew every minute but I dismissed it because I didn't want anything ruining my mood today.

I hadn't even asked Matteo what were his plans, I didn't want him thinking I'd go there just to be cooped up in his house. I wanted to freely go see my parents and explain everything to them.

We arrived at the airport and immediately boarded our flight.
I went straight to a seat far away from Matteo because I knew any encounter from him and then my mood would be ruined. It seemed like we shared the same reasoning because he sat at the farthest seat from mine.

The flight was uneventful as I sat throughout without taking a nap, I couldn't wait to get home.

After almost 12 hours flight, we finally arrived NYC. I was super excited when we entered Matteo's car taking us to his place. I smiled brightly when we passed the college and the girls working place.

It was around 9:00pm when we arrived at his mansion. I still remembered this place, nothing changed though it was only a few weeks we left. I was only two weeks pregnant and now I was one month into my pregnancy.

Matteo and I went into the mansion and we're greeted by many people; men dressed formally in black suit, looking huge and scary and so many maids.

When Matteo was done talking to them in Italian, we finally went up to his room. I cringed when I passed the place where that dumbass man harrassed me, that was such an awful moment. As soon as we reached the bedroom, Matteo disappeared into the bathroom while I just sat on the bed planning my conversation with him.

I mean we hadn't sat to have a decent conversation since forever and the topic of me going to my parent's wasn't light so I didn't want to argue with him especially after he agreed on coming here...

I was interrupted from my thought when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hi, how may I help you" I said to the young lady standing at the door.

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