Chapter 12~

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Sofia pov~
When we returned from the hospital, I took a well needed nap.

I woke up and went downstairs for breakfast, its was 11:00am and the girls had already gone to college. I was home alone today, again and what I needed to do was rest.

I didn't need anything stressful in my current state. According to my doctor, she said that I was still in my first trimester and there was a high risk of miscarriage so I needed to be careful and avoid strenuous activities.

I went to the kitchen and made my breakfast, dry toast and frozen fruit juice. I was advised to eat these, they helped prevent nausea and vomiting.
After eating, I showered and came back downstairs to watch a movie because I was bored.

As soon as the movie started, there was a knock on the door.
I sighed before standing from the couch to get the door. When I got to the door, I froze; what if it was Matteo, I mean this was what happened the last time. I couldn't be admitted twice in just two days.

I didn't need this kind of stress, but what if he wasn't the one.

I might as well stop being paranoid and take the risk, the knock on the door interrupted my thought as I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Lo and behold; Matteo in his breathtaking glory stood there in his Armani suit that made him look like a freaking model from a magazine.

"What are you doing here" I said to him with a slight frown on my face, I mean I did have the right to be angry; firstly he caused me to go to the hospital and after finding out that I was pregnant, he fled, now he was standing on my porch.

"Sofia I'm here because my visit yesterday didn't go as planned, so I came here today to start afresh" he said as he majestically walked in and sat on the couch.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant when I was here yesterday?" he said as his once casual voice changes in a slight tone of annoyance trying to control his self.

"Matteo..." I sighed, because this man was dumb as hell.

" You came here yesterday shouting and behaving like a fucking psycho, expecting answers to your questions. You didn't even give me a chance to speak, you kept on creating a scene and now you come back asking why I didn't tell you" I said slightly annoyed that he came back here asking questions not even apologizing for anything.

"Well Sofia, who's the father of the babies?" He asked as he stood and walked over to where I was still standing. Did this man hear anything I just said?

He stood directly in front of me as I immediately cowered in fear at the height difference and his intimidating posture.

"You, are the father" I said lowly as I cuss myself for stuttering and not being confident.

"Im the father? I'm a father" he said firstly as a question but then again trying to register it.

"Yes you are Matteo" I said as I got my voice back and moved backwards from him to create some distance between us.

"Ok, now that settled, I have something to tell you. I don't need your approval or your permission, I'm telling you this for yours and the babies sake" he said as he moved closer to me. I frowned at his words, what does he mean by he doesn't need my approval or permission. I felt slightly uncomfortable with his movement towards me.

"What do you mean by you don't need my approval or permission. If whatever plan you're scheming in your head concerns me, then you better know that my approval is highly nee...." I was cut off by him.

"Shh..Shh bambola, you have to listen to find out, I don't like when people interrupt me, I pardon you this time" he said lowly yet firmly as I try to register his words. Who does this fucker thinks he is, telling me what and what not to do.

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