Chapter 38~

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face though I was alone because Matteo had to leave early. I hurriedly went to the bathroom to do my business.

I was happy things were going well for me; I had a wonderful birthday party, I got to see both my parents and best friends.

After using the bathroom, I got dressed and went downstairs. I usually had my meals in the bedroom but I wanted to see my family and I wanted to spend quality time with them.

I heard giggling in the dinning room ; my mom, dad, Nora, Whitney and Mariella were all at dining having breakfast.

"Good morning everyone.... I see you all started breakfast before me" I said, making all eyes turn to me.

"Good morning sweetheart, how was your night... Whitney insisted on going to your room to call you down for breakfast but I figured you had a tiring night and you should rest" my mom said, smiling brightly at me.

"Yeah... She really had a tiring night" Mari said, giving me a knowing smile

I blushed hard and fake cough which caused the girls to burst into a fit of laughter. I glared at them and sat down next to Mari.

"My dear, I hope you're happy here. I can see you smiling and that alone make me so happy" my dad said, making the girls quite down.

"Yes dad, I am happy and Matteo is treating me well" I said trying to ease his worries.

"You know we are happy when you're happy... We would be leaving later today, you know we can't really stay here" my mom said, making my smile to fade away.

"Why? You can stay here.... I don't want you to leave" I said tearing up.

Mari placed her hand on mine under the table and gently squeezed it.

"Sweetheart, we just want to know that you are happy and now that you confirmed that, we can leave knowing that you aren't troubled" My dad said, giving me a reassuring smile.

After having breakfast, we moved to the living room to just chat amongst ourselves self. I didn't realize it was noon already as my parents and friends said they were already leaving. I wouldn't deny that I was so sad that they were leaving, I didn't expect them to live with us but I think they were leaving too soon.

Matteo arrived in time, he ordered the drivers to take them home directly and safely.

I became so emotional when seeing my family off, making my mom's eyes to tear up as she gave me a tight hug. She whispered in my ear telling me to take care of myself and my baby, saying she wanted to see her grandbaby healthy and strong.

While my mom was trying to make me feel better, my dad was giving Matteo the talk. I could hear him say don't trouble my little girl, she's happy now and I want her to keep smiling and be happy, I know we haven't had the opportunity to sit and discuss but please keep her safe.

After they left, I walked back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed. It was barely five minutes that they left and I was already missing them.

Matteo came in some minutes after I did and sat to me.

"Matteo, would you let me go visit my parents soon?" I asked, my voice shaking as a lone tear escaped my eyes.

"It's not safe for you to leave the house but I'll see what I can do" that was not a yes, neither was it a no but a maybe.

I sighed as he pulled me to him and caressed my shoulder.

He said he had to go to his home office, leaving me all by myself in the room but it didn't last long as Mari came into the bedroom with her jolly self.

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