Chapter 24~

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Sofia pov~

He looked at me shocked by his actions... I guess. I shut my eyes to endure the back pain I was experiencing, I hoped my baby was ok... My baby, oh my God, I couldn't lose my baby. No, I just couldn't.

"Sof...Sofia, are you hurt? Oh no what did I do...tell me I didn't hurt you please" he rushed to my side with a worried expression, for a moment I thought I saw a tear fall from his eye but I might had been hallucinating.

"Please, don't touch me... Please" I said with anger dripping from my voice, it's not like I could do much.

"Let me help you up" he said hurriedly, panicking from the situation he caused.

"Please Matteo, take me to my parents now" I begged him, still wincing in pain. I might as well take advantage of his pity.

"No, no... You need the doctor" he rushed out still trying to help me up.

"NO!! I want to go home... Please... AHHHH!!" I shouted as the pain had circulated to my abdomen and I could barely stand.

"Please Matteo, please" I begged, my eyes were blurry due to the tears gathered in my eyes.

"Ok, ok... I'll take you there" he said giving up on the argument. I smiled at him as my eyes were giving up on me but I tried to stay awake.

Matteo lifted me in his hands and rushed outside shouting order to people in Italian. Before I realized what was happening, I was placed gently at the back seat of his car and he shut the door.

I think I fell unconscious on the way but I regained consciousness when I felt someone trying to wake me up.

I was glad that the pain had subsided and mostly happy that I could view my childhood home from a distance away. All the pain from my stomach, back, neck and face seemed to disappear to be replaced with happiness of seeing my parents again. I was so engrossed that I forgot that he was standing here, I almost jumped out but was stopped when he held my arm back.

I look up at him with a frown on my face "You have to be careful not to hurt yourself" he said gently while holding me by my waist. I scoffed at him and pushed his hands off me. He sighed then led me to my parents door.

I knocked on the door and waited for my mom or dad to come out. My mom opened the door and almost fell from the shock of seeing me.

"Whoa,mom becareful" I said and steadied her.

"So..Sof..Sofia, you are here. You are standing right here at my door. Oh God... Oh my God... Where have you been?how are you? What happened? Are alright? Are you hurt?" She rushed her words out while sobbing uncontrollably. I pulled her in my arms and cried along with her.

"Come inside dear" She said making way for us.

"Uh... Mom, this is Uhh... Matteo, he is my..." My words got stuck when I realized I didn't know how to introduce Matteo to my mother. I didn't know if she knew about my pregnancy, so I couldn't tell her he's the father of my baby.

"Baby, I know... Whitney and Nora told your father and I everything" She said still holding me and not even taking a single glance at Matteo. Now I was not the only one pissed at him.

"Yeah... Where is dad?" I asked, not seeing him anywhere.

"Your dad went to the station thirty minutes ago, he went to see if they found something on you... But here you are my love" She said as we finally sat down. She didn't let go of me once.

"My love are you hungry? Have you eaten? You don't look too good... Did he hurt you" She said finally looking at Matteo but with hateful eyes. I ignored her questions and hugged her again, I missed my mom so much. I didn't even get to call her.

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