Chapter 32~

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Author's note; Hey,  I'm just writing this to give y'all a preview that this is quite a sad chapter 🥺😢  and I cried writing this💔.
     I played {Train wreck by James Arthur and Arcade by Duncan Laurence}for inspiration. Read and enjoy enjoy


Matteo pov~
       I got paled at the sight in front of me. Still in my trance, I heard Melissa crying and Santi cussing out as we came into the bathroom.

      Sofia's body was in the bathtub filled with water that was now red because of her blood. Her face and hair was drenched with water but was obviously brought out of the as she laid there unconscious.

      I recovered from my trance and rushed to her side. I lifted her cold body out of the tub and laid her on me.

      “So..Sofia wake up, what did you do? Please wake up” my voice cracked as I shook her body but nothing happened. At this point I was starting to loose myself.

      “Melissa what happened? Why is she not waking up?” I started to tremble, my mind thinking of the worst case scenarios.

    “Sir, she.. she said she wanted to be alone so I left after giving her lunch. I came back to take the tray and dishes but she wasn't in the room so I assumed she was in the bathroom, I knocked on the door but there was no response. I was getting worried so I pushed the door opened and saw her like this, drowned. I lifted her head up but she wasn't breathing" she cried as she spoke.

     I tried mouth to mouth resuscitation but nothing worked and her body was getting colder as she looked pale.

     I picked her up and walked quickly out of the bathroom, her body and clothes were drenched. Santi and Melissa went in front of me.

     Santi quickly ran to get the car ready while Melissa ordered the maids to get back to work as they all came out to witness the everything.

       I entered the back seat with Sofia in my arms as soon as I reached the car. Santi drove off immediately I got in, my mind was racing with different thought that I was feeling frustrated and tensed.

      I inspected Sofia body only to realize the cut marks on her skin. She had several deep cuts from her wrist to elbow on both arms that we're still bleeding but not profusely.

      “SANTI HURRY THE HELL UP, SHE'S FUCKING BLEEDING!!” I screamed out in frustration . I stared at her lifeless body as tears left my eyes. I wiped it off in a hurry trying to be strong for her.

     “Calm down bro, this is the fastest I can go. I'm trying my best here please” he said trying to calm me down but that wasn't helping a bit.

     Within twenty minutes we arrived at the hospital, I quickly rushed out and ran in despite people staring at me in confused.

      Some nurses quickly brought a stretcher and laid Sofia on it. They push the strecther away as I and Santi followed them.

      Doctor Samantha sighted us and quickly came to our direction.

     “Oh my God, Mr Russo what happened here? I just came over this morning to check on her and now” she asked worried as they took her into the ICU room.

      “She...We had an argument and she attempted suicide. She cut herself and...drowned in the bathtub” I tried explaining to her but my mind was jumbled.

     “Alright, I'll go check up on her” she said and left. I slammed my fist in the wall and pulled at my hair in anger and frustration.

    I felt a hand on my back, I looked back to see a worried looking Santi patting my back trying to comfort me.

     “Matteo, I'm sure she and your baby are going to be alright. Calm down man” he said but I only brushed him off. He couldn't guarantee that for sure so he shouldn't say what he didnt know.


     It had been two hours and thirty and still no news. At this point I was losing it and pacing around the hallway despite Santi asking me to stay calm.

       I hard taken my anger out on two nurses who had tried to treat the bruise on my knuckles after punching the walls multiple times.

      They were terrified after I yelled and them and as usual Santi had to apologize.

     I was now running out of the little patience I had and was about to burst through the door and go see what they were doing.

       The door to the ICU room opened and I was relieved that I didn't have to create a scene in this hospital.

      Doctor Samantha came out, I rushed over to her. I looked at her face to get any expression but there were none.

     “Hey, are they okay?” I asked her quickly as she finally smiled at me making me ten times more relieved.

    “They are both okay though it was very difficult to revive our and during that, the baby was distressed so it put more pressure on us. We had to rescue both mother and child but the mother seemed to be giving up so we decided to come talk to your because we needed to save one. The chances of both surviving were so slim but as I was about to walk out the door, she instantly started breathing.
    She was okay but the baby was still distressed, but now there but okay but she's still in the intensive unit for supervision until she's perfectly ok, then we will transfer her to the normal room” she said and left.

     I slumped down on the seat and took a deep breathe.

     Santi sat down next me and patted my back.

     “I told you that they were going be okay but you didn't listen, see you should listen to me more” he chuckled and I pushed his hand away and laughed along with him.

    As I was about to say something, I got a call from an unknown number. I hastily picked it up.

       “Hello, who is this?” I asked cautiously as I wasn't about to let no enemy of mine track me down.

      The person didn't say anything, as I was about ending the call the person spoke up.

     “Matteo, it's been awhile, haven't you missed” the female on the other side chuckled lightly living me in shock.

     I haven't heard from her since a year and now she called me out of nowhere?

     “Mariella? I breathe still in shock and confused...


     A/N; Good evening everyone from my side🥰. I hope y'all doing well.

    You asked for it and I delivered 😘... Chapter 32.

    I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, please give me your feedback.

    I loved y'all comments on the previous chapter, it's makes me know that people appreciate my work and I'm grateful to everyone.

    Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Thank you ✌️



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