Chapter 16~

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Matteo POV~
I laid next to Sofia while she slept peacefully as she subconsciously placed her hand on her stomach. I admired her face so peaceful, she looked so fragile and tender.

I couldn't believe some moment ago I was enraged because of the incident that happened about two hours ago. That idiota dared to touch what was mine especially when she carried my Bambini {children}. I sure would not have wasted seconds before pulling the trigger but Valentino was one of my most trusted men and he was an expert in what he didn't

It had been an hour since Sofia had been asleep and I laid here just staring at here sleeping a creep that I was. I got up from the bed and went back to sit next to Santi.

"Hey man, what's you been up to. I didn't see you or Sofia for an hour" Santi said while turning off his laptop and directed his attention to me as a knowing smirk creeped up on his face.

"She wasn't feeling good so she's resting" I said as I rolled my eyes at him knowing fully well that his crazy mind thought something else took place in the room.

" oh k.... Yeah, what's made you cranky when you guys arrived?" he asked as my facial expression changed to a frown as I once again remembered how that Scemo {fool} had his hand all over her.

"Valentino ha incasinato. Ha molestato Sofia e poi gli ho quasi fatto saltare il cervello dalla testa muta. { Valentino messed up. He harassed Sofia then I almost his fucking brain out of his dumb head" I growled out as I honestly didn't want to talk about it or replay that shit in my head again

"che cosa! questo è folle. sapeva che lei è la tua ragazza?{ What! This is insane. Does he know she is your girl}.Santi shouted as he eyes grew wider.

I didn't know why he shouted, I didn't even react like this when I found out... Ok I did react worse but that did not mean he had to shout.
"Would you shut up! I don't care if he knew or not that she is my girl, well now he got the message" I replied a little pissed at his reaction as I rubbed my temple .

"That's why you were in such a bad mood." he said lowly as I ignored him and picked my laptop ready to work.

I woke up from my first ever peaceful sleep and stretched my muscles. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to find out that I was alone, last I remembered Matteo and I slept on the bed together well maybe he left.

I stood up from the bed and almost immediately my stomach growled loudly reminding me that I slept hungry. I left the bedroom in search of Matteo, I saw him and Santi sitting next to each other as they both plugged earphones in while using their laptop.

I marched towards them and sat at the seat opposite Matteo. He noticed my presence and looked up at me.

"You're awake. How was your sleep? Does your stomach still hurts" he asked softly with concern in his voice as he removed the earphones and gave me his full attention.

"I slept like a baby and yeah my stomach doesn't hurt" I said as I smiled as him. "Uhh, how long did I sleep" I asked as I covered my mouth while I yawned.

"3 hrs, do you want to eat now?" he said as he checked his watch to tell the time. Before I could reply, my stomach growled again embarrassing me in front of these men. My face turn crimson as I bowed my head down in embarrassment.

" Waow, my babies must be pretty hungry" he said as he chuckled at my embarrassment. Damn man!

"So what would you like to eat?" he asked as he went back to work on his laptop. Throughout our conversation, Santi hadn't noticed my presence as he was so engrossed in his work.

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