Chapter 42~

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     Today made it exactly a month since the incident and the birth of my daughter. I still hadn't figured out a name yet, I was secretly hoping Sofia would wake up anytime soon so we could name her together.

     Today my little angel would be out of the NICU and I would be able to hold her for the first time.

    I stood outside the children's unit as I watched the doctors and nurses detach the machines from her. I couldn't wait to lift her tiny body in my hand, I wished Sofia was here with me so we could cradle our little baby together.

     Mariella asked to come with me but I refused, I still hadn't come to terms with the situation and I didn't want to create more distance between us.

     I was brought back from my train of thought when one of the nurses gently placed my baby girl in my arm.

    I smiled appreciatively at the nurse and held my baby protectively. She squirmed in my arm and open her eyes as she stared at me.

    I was blessed with the sight when I stayed at the beautiful blue orbs, just like mine.

     I placed my fingers in her tiny palms and I chuckled as she held it in a firm grip.

    I carefully sat on a chair in the room which we were at and I smiled down at her. I heard the door open and I turned to know who it was, it was Santi who came in grinning at me.

    “Wow Matteo, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you are now a father” he said, smiling at me as he got closer.

     He touched her soft cheek and she smiled softly at him.

     “I didn't know you were coming here.... How's everything at home, the company...” i asked not once breaking my focus on my angel.

    Santi had been in charge of the company and mafia ever since the incident because I was not stable enough to balance the arrival of my child, Sofia in a coma and work. It was too much to handle so I gave Santi the responsibility of ensuring everything went well in the businesses.

     “Everything's good Matteo, your main focus should remain on your daughter for now” he said giving me a light squeeze on the shoulder reassuringly.

    “Thanks man.... I really appreciate”

     My precious rose started squirming uncomfortably in my arms and I was alerted. I started rocking her gently but she cried in response, I was instantly worried for the fact that I didn't know what to do and she didn't stop crying.

     Santi immediately left the room to call the nurse while I tried soothing her. My heart shattered when I saw her crying. I really wished Sofia was here, we would figure it out together.

     She started screaming out and I was panicked. I paced round the room with her in my arms as I tried to remember all the soothing song my mom sang for my sister and I when we were little.

    I was so relieved when the nurse came in and carried her from my arms. She immediately stopped crying as the nurse fed her from her bottle which she brought along with her. As relaxed as I was seeing my baby eating and not crying, I also felt useless that I couldn't soothe her.

    I was already a bad father and I didn't think I could do it without Sofia's help.

    “Uhh... Nurse, I would like to take her to her mom's room when she's done eating” I smiled seeing my child's eye close gradually.

     “That's alright sir” she said gently placing my sleeping child in her stroller.

     I pushed the stroller to Sofia's room which wasn't far from the baby's.

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