Chapter 18~

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Sofia pov~

   I couldn't sleep properly for the entire three hours flight, I kept tossing and turning on the bed because of the uncomfortable feeling in my tummy. It didn't hurt but it felt so uncomfortable, I got tired of tossing around and as I was about getting up from bed, Matteo entered.

   "The plane will be landing in 5 minutes so you should be in a comfortable position" he said while sitting on the bed, he picked up his phone and continued typing on it.

   I got irritated from his behavior but I decided to ignore because it was only going to lead to unnecessary argument. I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes waiting to get out of the fucking plane.

   As soon as the plane landed, Matteo and I stood up from the bed and headed out of the plane. I saw Santi who I hadn't seen since we arrived at Russia.

   "Hey Sofia how are you?" he asked with a soft tone and a soft smile.

   "I'm good, thanks" I said to him while following Matteo's long strides.

   I entered the car waiting for us with Matteo by my side. As soon as we got seated, the driver sped off. I squeezed my eyes tight as this frequent pain hit me again, I tried to suppress it but the pain lasted longer than it used to. It felt as though my insides were twisting and I had the strong urge to puke.

   I wanted to inform Matteo of my current uncomfortable state but he was busy typing furiously on his phone with earphones in his ears.

   I decided to wait until the nausea and pain passed but within the next minutes, it got worse and I felt light-headed. I squeezed my eyes shut and placed my head on my knees while my hands were on my stomach.

   The whole drive was awful seeing as the abdominal pain, nausea and dizziness only got worse, I groaned inwardly as this was frustrating but also because my babies father paid no attention to my state and I didn't want to complain to him because he would feel like I whine to much.

    We arrived at his house which was huge but I was in too much pain too really observe it. He got out of the car and open the door for me. Such a 'gentleman'; note my sarcasm.

He took my hand in his and led me into the mansion but it felt forced, like he didn't want to be here with me at this moment. I was in no state to worry about him right now.

    We walked inside and there were so many guards both indoor and outdoor, after taking so many turns he led me to the kitchen and introduced me to the whole staff. They were about twenty maids in his very large kitchen but I was sure they were more than twenty because he said these where not all the kitchen staff.

   After everyone greeted in unison saying; 'Yes master' or something like that, I tapped Matteo telling him that I just want to sit. We climbed so many stairs and passed so many rooms that I was extremely glad when we arrived at his master bedroom.

  "Rest, the maids will make you something to eat" he said with his emotionless voice then went into the bedroom. It was 5:00am now and I knew I was supposed to feel glad because I was sleepy but that sleep went awhile ago and was replaced by pain.


   The pain was unbearable now that I actually started sobbing. While I was sobbing and clutching my stomach, someone knocked on the door saying it was a maid who brought me my food.

   I croaked out a 'come in', she came in and gasped as she saw me on the floor sobbing loud. She rushed to my side and asked what was wrong. Before I could answer, Matteo came out of his closet and halted once he observed what was happening.

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