Chapter 3~

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We arrived home and we went to our separate rooms. I was tired so I decided to take a nap. Thirty minutes, while I was still sleeping I heard a knock on my bedroom door,

"Sofia, can I come in" I heard Whitney say on the other side of the door." Yeah, come in, the door is unlocked" I said to her as I sat up and rubbed my eyes still feeling sleepy. She came in and said

"Nora and I are going to get the groceries, because we forgot to go get them on our way back from the restaurant". I chuckled remembering that we were supposed to go to the supermarket after we left the restaurant but we were so engrossed in our conversation that we actually forgot.

"Yeah ok ,I'll just continue my nap then. Bye". I told her as I got back in bed since I had nothing to do for the day.

The rest of the week was uneventful as we went to college and we went to work after college.
Today was Friday and we just got back from college though we didn't work today. It was 4:00pm and we were all laying lazily on the couch watching a random show.

" Hey, I have an idea. Since we have nothing to do all evening and instead of being lazy, we should go clubbing. A new club opens today so why not?"

Whitney told us as she waited for our reply. "Yeah I think that a good idea cause I'm so bored and I don't have anything in mind" Nora says with a grin on her face as they both look at me expectedly." Uh don't you have another thing we can do? I really don't want to go out " I said as I watched the grin on faces turn into a frown. "Oh come on Sofia, you know there is nothing else to do around here and besides we could get laid tonight" Whitney tries to convince me as she winks at the last part.

"No no there is no getting laid, in fact no clubbing". I say to them. I mean I'm still a virgin but it not bad I'm just 19 almost 20 in a few months. So I don't plan on getting laid especially not to a stranger. "Ok no getting laid but at least let's go clubbing" Nora said. "Alright we can go but if I feel uncomfortable I'll leave" I said not wanting to be a spoiler as they grin reappeared on their faces. I shook my head as we went to our rooms to get ready.
It 6:00pm and we are ready, at least Nora and I are ready.

Whitney was still in the house doing only God knows what. "Whitney would you get your ass down here" Nora yells from downstairs." Alright I'm coming just give me 5min and I'll be down there" Whitney yelled back from her room. Nora sighed and sat on the couch as she types on her phone.

"Nora, I'll go turn on the car as we wait on Whitney"I told Nora as I went to the car. It had been ten minutes as both girls finally came out.

" Finally, Whitney it felt like we were going to leave tomorrow" I said as I rolled my eyes.

" Sorry, I was stuck on looking for a perfect dress". She said as I check out her clothes. She was wearing a strapless gown just like Nora and I but hers was black ,while Nora's was baby blue and mine was red.
The dresses we wore was beautiful. It brought out our curves at it stuck to us like a second skin. We were wearing heels that matched our dress with appropriate make-up on our face so we didn't look like clowns.

So all in all we were looking georgous and ravishing.
The drive to the club took about thirty minutes. As we arrived, I praked the car at a place that wasn't too far to reach. Their was a long queue of people probably because it was a new club and it had a beautiful exterior. It took us about twenty minutes to enter the club after the bouncer checked us in.

The club interior was two times as beautiful as the exterior. It was well.... looking like a club with all the drunk people and people grinding on each other on the dance floor, not to forget the sweaty people.

"Why don't we go to the bar and order something" Whitney said loudly because of the blasting music. On our way to the bar, someone bumped into me and poured their drink on me accidentally. I looked up to see a lady that looked a bit tipsy.

"I'm so sorry", she said as she realized what she did."Dont worry, I'll just go to the washroom and clean it up". She smiled and handed a napkin. I was trying to clean the drink, not looking where I was going, I bumped into someone.

"Oh come on why do I keep bumping into peo-", I was stuck on my words as I looked up to see a familiar blue eyed man I saw not even up to a week ago.

He looked down and was a bit shocked to see me before saying "The second time we meet and you bumped into me, again tesoro" he said as his infamous smirk was on his face. Does he not do another thing except smirk. And his voice, it made me shiver.

" I'm sorry, I didn't see you ", I said still shaken up that I was looking at this ridiculously handsome man that was standing in front of me. "Si, it seems you like bumping into me Mia cara" he said to me. Before I could reply, his phone rang and he said to me "Mi scusi" and he left. I didn't even know that means. I regained myself and went to the bar to meet my friends.

"Where were you? Nora and I thought you left because you got bored already" Whitney questioned me, "Uhm, someone bumped into me and poured a drink on me so I had to go clean up" I said as I sat down next to them to order something to drink.

A/N ; what do you think about this chapter. If you are reading this you can comment your opinion. Thanks

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