Chapter 43~

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It had been a week since I woke up from coma and today I was being discharged. I couldn't contend the happiness I received by meeting my daughter.

She was so pretty and she had the prettiest ocean blue eyes, just like her father's. She had cute chubby cheeks and dimples on both checks, she was literally Matteo's twin and the cutest baby ever.

When I first saw her, I couldn't help but shed tears of happiness. She was the best gift I'd ever received and I was so happy to have her.

Matteo told me he didn't give her a name yet because he wanted to name her with me, so we decided on a beautiful name for our beautiful daughter.

I finally get to leave the hospital and I couldn't be happier.

"Sofia, are you ready?" Matteo asked, entering the room with our baby in his arms.

"Yeah, can we leave now" I asked him as I zipped the hospital bag shut.

"Si... I signed the discharge papers, we're good to go" he said handing our princess over to me as he carried out bags.

On cue doctor Sam came in with a glowing smile on her face.

"Sofia, it's so nice to see you healthy and happy." she addressed still smiling happily at us.

"Yes.... Thank you very much Dr.Sam"

"Mr Russo has completed all of the formalities and you and your baby are set to go.... Don't stress much and if you have any complaint or questions don't hesitate to come over" She explained.

After our brief talk with the doctor, we headed to the car. I strapped the baby in the car seat securely and sat at the passengers seat.

Matteo got in and drove off. I noticed that he didn't drive in his usual manner rather he drove gently and steadily which made a small smile appear on my face.

We arrived at the mansion in less than an hour. I carried her out of her seat careful not to wake her while Matteo carried our bags.

Matteo quickly stopped me as I was about to go in.

"Hey, wait.... Uhmmm. We really haven't spoken since you woke up and I am hoping we can talk well when we are settled" he fumbled with his words and I was confused because it wasn't a big deal that he had to stop to say it outside.

" Alright... Why do you look like you want to say something else. You are acting weird, like you don't want me to go in" I asked suspiciously.

He sighed and told me to go in. I looked at him with a raised brow before opening the door.


I jumped in complete fright as tears welled up in my eyes when I stared at the people standing inside holding a big banner that say "Surprise" on it.

My Mom, Dad, Nora, Whitney, Mari, Melissa and Santi were all standing with huge smiles on their faces.

Because of the noise, our baby girl was startled from her sleep and started crying.

"Oh my grandbaby, don't cry" My mom walked up to us as she carried the baby from me and cradled her, she stopped crying immediately.

"My princess... It's so nice to finally have you back" Mom said with tears in her eyes as she hugged me.

My Dad and everyone came forward to hug and welcome us back. I was so grateful to have them as my family.

"I can't believe you are all here." I said as a tear left my eye.

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