Chapter 11~

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*Matteo POV~

  After seeing Sofia in the state she was in, I couldn't think straight anymore. I left the hospital in a rush and went back to my house.

   When I got home, I headed straight to my office. I didn't want any disturbance, I poured myself a cup of billionaire vodka.

I emptied the glass as I thought back to everything that happened in less than 24 hours.

    When I went to Sofia's house, my intention was to see her one last time and erase the unwanted feeling that was starting to form then head back to italy, my permanent resident.

   I didn't expect to find out about her pregnancy or that she was carrying twins that are possibly mine. If the children were mine, I didn't know what I was going to do because I didn't plan on having kids till the next 5 years or maybe even more.

    Fuck! What was I going to do about the situation. I came to America for work only, I only planned on staying here for three weeks then head back to italy after the job was done and successful.

   I went to that damn club to check out how things were going there and have a business meeting then possibly find a chick to spend the night. I didn't plan on taking Sofia home or having sex with her.

   She was so intriguing that I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Now look where that led me to.

    Instead of wailing in complain, I needed to find a solution to this new found problem and I had to do it quick because I didn't have much time in America and I couldn't leave here with an unfinished business.

   Just as I was listing my problem and finding solutions, a knock on my office door interrupted my thought.

    "Boss, you in there?" I heard the voice of my second in command and best friend, Santi.

   "Yeah, potresti venire" I replied to Santi. He came in and shut the door as he sat at the chair opposite me.[Translation: you may come in]

    " Are you okay? You don't drink your billionaire vodka except your stressed or tensed" He said as he pointed to the drink on my desk

  " I went to see her today" I told him as he immediately sat up straight and took interest in the conversation knowing fully well of who I was talking about.

     "And..." he signalled me to continue.

   "I asked her why she left but she didn't answer, instead she asked me to leave" I frowned slightly as I remembered her asking me to leave.
    In my life no one has ever disrespected me like she did today. People feared my presence and respected my name but the way she spoke to me as if I was a commoner made me furious.

   " We got into a little argument and I raised my voice at her and scared her. I grabbed her arm trying to intimidate her but when I let go, she fell and hit her head on the wall and she blacked out" I explained everything to him as he looked at me in disappointment.

    Santi and I grew up together,we considered ourselves brothers. We usually came for each other's opinion whenever we had troubles and stuff.

   Even after being this close to each other, he knew that I was the mafia leader and when it came to business, he knew to act as the second in command and that I was his boss.

  So I know why he gave me that look of disappointment, he thought that I had hit her or pushed her but I quickly answered him before he could voice his thought.

  " I didn't push her or hit her if that what's your thinking. She was weak and light headed but I didn't know that, that's why as I let her go she fell." I said as he sighed and relaxed.

    "As I was saying, she lost consciousness so I panicked and drove her to the hospital. She was admitted and the doctor checked on her. I was curious about what happened all of a sudden, as soon as the doctor came out of her room I asked her what happened and she told me that she is pregnant" I dropped the news on him but he didn't seem to catch up as he tried to process the information.

     "Lei è in cinta" I told him in Italian so that he could get it. He had a shocked expression on his face as he realized what I said. I chuckled because he didn't even get the best part yet. [Translation: she is pregnant].

   " Con i gemelli" i dropped the most shocking news I received from the doctor.[Translation: with twins].

     Santi looked like he was about to pass out any moment and I would have burst into laughter at the sight of his face if the situation at hand was not serious.

   " Cosa vuoi dire che è incinta!" Santi yelled and jumped from his sit as he started panicking. I frowned at his reaction even though I expected something like this from him. [ Translation: What do you mean she is pregnant!]

   "Abbassa la voce" I said loudly as he sit down and look tensed. I poured him a glass of vodka as he drank it all at once. [Translation: Bring your voice down].

    "Non hai usato un fottuto preservativo?" Fuck! I didn't  remember using protection, we were both drunk. [Translation: Didn't you use a fucking condom?]

  "I don't think so" I told him as I rubbed my forehead already tired of this discussion.

    "How could you be this careless Matteo?" he said. I really didn't need a lecture now, all these were giving me a headache.

   "Look Santi, I just want to figure out how to solve this. I mean we leave to Italy a day after tomorrow" I said as I poured myself another glass of alcohol.

    " You should bring her to Italy with us, I mean you don't want your baby mama in America all by herself especially not when she is carrying the mafia boss's babies". He was right, but I couldn't take her to Italy when I had so many rivals there. They would try to hurt her but if she was here she would be more exposed if they find her and she wouldn't have any protection from me here.

   "Let put this situation aside for now, by tomorrow everything will be sorted out. For now give me the report on the weapon shippings" I told him as I tried to focus on work and distract myself.

    "Everything is good boss, Vincenzo and the men took care of that. We are    done with business here in this country and we are good to go. The warehouses in Italy are our current concern".

   "Good, the jet should be ready because we leave here two days from now" I told him as he headed to the door.

"Sure thing boss" he said as he leaves my office and shut the door.

   I laid my head back and closed my eyes as my mind travelled back to Sofia and the babies. First thing I had to do was find out if they were mine and then I would embark on my plan to settle the issue.

A/N; Good day everyone, this is the end chapter 11. I'm sorry for the mix up for those who read the first one. Wattpad published it when I wasn't done and deleted my work so I had to start again.
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