Chapter 25~

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Matteo pov~

      While we were having lunch, Sofia got up and rushed to the restroom while her mother went after her.

   I was left at the table with her father who kept throwing death glares at me. I knew that the situation at hand was not pretty and I wasn't handling it the way Sofia expected me to but I was handling it the way I knew how to.

     I came back here to New York to handle my work and also strategize a plan to take care of the big mess awaiting me back home.

    When Sofia and I were left at the living room by ourselves, I got a message from Santi informing me that the anonymous gang in Italy were trying to discover my location, I knew that where Sofia's parents lived was an open environment and was easily trackable but back at my place it was almost impossible to track because of the high tech security. I knew this place wasn't safe so I tried persuading her to leave but being my stubborn baby mama she refused.

    I had to find a way to make her leave and threatening her was so low of me but it worked and that was what mattered.

     I was interrupted from my thought when Sofia's dad decided to start an unfriendly conversation with me.

      “Matteo, I'm gonna say this once, leave my daughter alone. My daughter hasn't cried in a long time, but meeting you has made her cry a lot. She's stressed,  depressed and sad, as her father it's very hard to watch my only child go through this” he said, despite his cool tone and polite words, his facial expression looked like he could kill me any moment now.

     “ I know she's pregnant with your children and I wasn't happy at first when I was told but I now accept it. She's 19 and young to be a mother but if she has decided to keep the children then I support her but I don't want you causing havoc in her life. She has a long way to go, she is a smart and beautiful young woman, I know she will make it, I don't want you trapping her or trying to mess up her future. Leave!” he said, taking a deep breathe.

     “ I really don't have anything to say, you maybe right in everything you just said but I can't leave Sofia's or my baby's life” I said, standing up and leaving the house.

      I stopped at the car and took a very deep breathe trying to control myself. I was so glad I didn't have an outburst while speaking with her dad because that was exactly what I had been doing for a while. I mean I slapped Sofia... that was so out of line. Even though she crossed the line by speaking about my mother who she knew nothing about, I shouldn't have done that.

      I saw her running towards the car while crying. I felt the urge to hold her and comfort her at that moment... What was I thinking.o

    She rushed to the car while I opened the car for her. I entered after her and signaled the driver to drive.

    “What happened?” I asked the most stupid and obvious question.

     “You” she mumbled, drying her tears and glaring at me.

    I didn't bother to ask her what I did because I knew fully well what happened.

     There was complete silence in the car for ten minutes until Sofia spoke.

    “Matteo, take me to my apartment” she said in her confident voice.

    “No, I can't” I said, simple and short, I didn't want to argue with her.

     “Matteo, I want to go see my best friends even if it's going to be the last time. They have the right to know that I'm ok, at least let me see them before I'm caged again” she said, saying the last words with bitterness. I sighed and gave up.

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