Chapter 44~.

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Sofia POV~

I walked into my baby's room to check up on her. I literally just put her to bed thirty minutes ago and the baby monitor showed her squirming and whimpering.

"Princess, are you hungry?" I cooed as I gently carried her from her crib.

She opened her eyes and her blues orbs stared directly into mine. She stopped crying immediately she was in my arms.

I sat on the rocking chair and breastfed her. I couldn't help but tear up when I watched her go to sleep. I still haven't fully wrapped my head around the fact that I was holding my own child in my arms.

At that very moment was when I promised to always protect from the world and shower her with so much love and care. She was my world and my happiness and I would never allow anyone hurt my baby.

I was distracted from my train of thought when Mariella opened the door loudly. I glared at her and rocked my baby who was shaken from her sleep.

"Shhh.... She's sleeping" I whispered to her.

I gently place her in her crib as I watched her sleep. It was a beautiful sight to see.

"Hey momma, what are you doing?"
Mariella whispered not to wake Aurelia.

I stared at her blankly because it was quite obvious that I was putting my baby to bed.

"Ok... that was a dumb question" She agreed as she walked over to the crib and watched Aurelia with me. We stood there in comfortable silence for some minutes before she spoke up.

"So.... What now? I mean... Now that our neonata has arrived, what gonna happen next?" She whispered as she caressed Aurelia hair.

I thought about what she said for a while and I spoke.

"I don't know.... I just want to focus on my daughter and myself. I feel like... No, I know that I've gone through alot this past months and I don't know if I would ever fully recover from that but I want to process everything that has happened.... because...I...I" My voice cracked and I couldn't complete what I was saying.

I didn't know that some tears escaped my eyes until my eyes got blurry.

Mariella pulled me into a comforting hug as I broke down in her arms. She stroked my back in a consoling manner as I continued to cry.

"It's ok momma, do want to talk about it?" She asked genuinely and I motioned for us to talk outside.

I kissed my baby on her head as we walked out of the nursery.

We walked to the garden in silence as I tried to arrange the conservative in my head.

The view of the garden was soothing and it calmed my nerves to an extent. I took a deep breath as we sat down.

"Its like everything just dawned on me. I'm a mother a twenty, that not what I planned and I'm not saying I don't want my daughter because despite all that happened, she's the greatest gift I ever received.

I have a child with the leader of the mafia, I still have school, I was kidnapped and beaten while pregnant, I don't know the current situation I am with my baby's father and overall I think I have postpartum depression. I have insomnia, loss of appetite and anxiety... It's just so much to deal with" I sighed as tear escaped my eye.

I could see Mariella struggling with what to say. She put her hand over mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"You don't have to say anything Mari, I just needed someone who would listen" I reassured her.

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