Chapter 45~

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    Today was Matteo's birthday and everyone of us were planning a surprise party. He left to work very early in the morning and we saw that as a chance to prepare everything for the surprise.

     I had been busy all day trying get everything checked and to make sure the surprise was perfect. I was so anxious about the party because I didn't know if he was going to like it, this was actually the first time I was putting effort to impress Matteo and I hoped he liked it.

    “Sofia! Cosa ci fai ancora qui? Devi prepararti!” Mariella exclaimed, shaking me by the shoulders as she rambled in Italian.

    {Sofia! What are you still doing here? You have to get ready}

    “Hey! Relax.... I have no idea what you just said” I said trying to calm her down.

     “Sorry.... Why are you still down here? It almost time and Matteo will be back anytime soon and you're not ready?” she asked looking panicked.

    “Well.... I'm just trying to make sure everything is perfect.... I mean the decorations are not perfectly done yet, the cakes are not here yet and the guest are supposed to be here now. It all too much and somebody needs to handle everything-” I kept blabbering but Mariella shut me up by placing her palm on my mouth.

     “Sofia, relax.... Everything will be taken care of and Melissa will handle everything. The cake, guest and decorations will be taken care of but you need to get ready” she spoke calmly to keep me from going crazy.

    “Sorry... It's just, this is the first time I'm planning something for Matteo and I need it to be perfect. I want him to like it and I want everything to go smoothly” I said quietly as I already imagined everything a fail.

    “Listen to me, Matteo will love it-- and trust me every thing will go smoothly and according to plan. You
have to relax and also enjoy the party. Now go up there and get ready. Nora and Whitney have arranged everything for you and are waiting in your room".

      “Thanks Mari, you're the best” I said, hugging her.

   “Yeah I know... Now go" she said hurrying me up the stairs.

I rushed up the stairs and on my way to my room, I bumped into Whitney.

     “Oh my! Just the person I've been searching for. Where have you been? I've been searching for you, you still have to get ready for the party you know. There's no much time left” she rambled as she dragged me to the room.

    “Now sit here and do nothing. Nora, the stylist and I will do all the work” she ordered as soon as we got to the bedroom. I sat in front of the vanity table as I observed my room.

  My room was packed with people, most of them I didn't even know. They were about three make-up artist, four hairstylist and three people that I didn't know what they were here for, then they were Nora and Whitney.

     “Now ladies and gentlemen.... We have one goal here, and that is to make- over the lady seated here into someone that will turn heads and leave people's mouth open in awe because of how stunning and sexy she looks” Whitney announced to everyone in the room like it was some kind of red carpet event.

    “Let's begin people, we have two hours and thirty minutes to get the job done” Nora said and everyone started working.

  * * *
    In nearly three hours later, I could barely recognize the person staring back at me in the mirror.

    I looked... Enthralling and glamorous. I was gobsmacked.

    “Wow.... I look-”

“-Ravishing” Whitney completed as she squealed in excitement.

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