Chapter 35~

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    After making phone calls with my parents, I was so relieved and happy that I didn't notice I had started tearing up. I spoke to them and ensured that they wouldn't worry too much about me.

    I also called Whitney and Nora who were so excited to finally speak to me. Whitney threatened to come here and deal with Matteo for taking me away from them, while Nora asked about my well being and cautioned me on taking good care of my health and the baby. I really enjoyed the chat with the girls as we laughed and joked around until I had to say goodbye to them which ended with us crying.

     After handing the phone to Mariella, I was a little sad but Melissa brought us some snacks and together the ladies cheered me up. When I informed them about my upcoming birthday, Mariella promised to celebrate my birthday in a grand form but I begged her not to do anything because I didn't want to celebrate my birthday and I mostly especially didn't want Matteo to find out.

     After our little jokes and laughter, they both left so I could rest. I adjusted my pillows to take a nap but Matteo walked into the bedroom. I groaned at his entranced because I was already exhausted and I just wanted to rest.

      “I'm sorry did I disturb you? I didn't mean to” he quickly apologize when he saw the discomfort on my face.

      “It no problem, I only wanted to take a nap I'm not feeling too good" I said to ease his worries.

     “Why, what happened? Is something wrong?” he asked worriedly.

     “I'm just having heart burn and a little cramp nothing more, you shouldn't worry” I said trying to make him less worried.

     “Are you sure we don't need to go to the hospital?” he asked as he came over to the bed and scooted close to me.

     “I'm sure Matteo, there's no need to worry” I said as I unintentionally placed my hands on his face and caressed his face.
    He leaned into my hands, immediately I realized what I did and tried to snatch my hands away from his face but he quickly caught my hands.

       “What are you doing to me Sofia?” he asked looking dazed.

     “What are you talking about?” I said in a quiet voice.

     “You are doing things to me, I don't understand and I can't get it out of my head” I frowned in confusion at his words as I gently removed my hands from his grip and sat properly but I winced from the cramps in my back.

     “You sure you don't want me to call the doctor?” he asked looking like he finally regained his self.

     “Yeah it's just a little cramp, I'm good” I said while scooting away from him.

     “Okay do you still want to take a nap?” he asked while pulling his shoes off.

     “Yeah, hmm.... Are you staying” I was curious because he started taking his shirt off.

    “Yeah, do you want me to leave?” he asked with no seriousness in his voice.

    “Ohh no... It's just... Hmmm.... Nevermind” I said as my cheeks heated up due to embarrassment as I quickly cover myself up in the duvet.

     He laid on the bed after taking his shirt off and pulled me closer to him. He wrapped his hands firmly but gently around my belly and rested his face in the crook of my neck.

     “Uhh, Matteo what are you doing?” I said trying to pry his hands away, panic already building up in me.

      “Relax, I'm not trying to do anything. Let's just take a nap” he said, pulling me even closer to his body.

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