Chapter 31~

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      Matteo's pov~
    I stormed out the room furiously and punched the wall. Why do we always end up here. All I wanted was to go apologize for my behavior towards her as soon as she woke up but ended up leaving her in tears and leaving the room.
    Aagghh.... I needed a drink to cool down. On my way to my home office, I sighted Santi coming in my direction, I guess he was going to my room.
    “Hey man” he said as soon as we met each other. The look on his face instantly turned to a curious one when he saw me.
   “What are you doing here?” I asked as we both started walking to my office.
     “I came to speak to you about something important”.
     “But before that why'd you have that look on your face? You look like someone just busted you balls” he said laughing at his own joke when we entered the office but I only glared at him and sat down.
    “It's Sofia... We had an argument and I said horrible things to her... Ugghh... What's wrong with me?” I said slamming my fist in the desk.
“What did you say Matteo, I know you aren't very careful with your words when you get angry” he said looking at me skeptically.
       “ I called her a slut and told her she's not worthy of having my child, she's irresponsible and ugghh... I'm a horrible person” I said, thinking back to the things I said which sounded like the right thing to say at the time in my head, now makes me want to punch myself.
    “WHAT!!! Why would you say something as terrible as that to her. She's the mother of your child and saying something so horrible to her especially in her state isn't a wise thing to do. Man what the fuck is wrong with you!!” he yelled in my face.

      “I REALIZE THAT NOW!! THERE'S NO NEED SHOUTING IN MY FACE!!!” I yelled back at him tugging my hair in frustration and annoyance.
    “I know I said horrible things to her but her words weren't sweet either. She... She just frustrate me sometimes, I only tried to apologise to her for almost raping...” I was saying but got cut mid sentence after receiving a blow to my jaw by an angry Santi.
     I stood up quickly and delivered a blow to his face, I grabbed his collar and growled at him.
    “MY BEST FRIEND OR NOT, LET THAT BE THE LAST TIME YOU RAISE YOUR HAND TO HIT ME, REMEMBER THAT I AM YOUR BOSS!!!” I shouted in his face, he pushed me hard and stepped back still looking pissed as hell.
   “ENOUGH!!!” I yelled my voice matching his loud one.
     “Not another word about my mother...” I said calming myself and sitting down, I did need to remember my past right now at least not amongst the problem I had.
  “Alright, I'm sorry for mentioning your mother but that was wrong of you” he said calmly sitting down.
    “I know man, that's why I tried apologizing but she refused and instead started telling me how much of a horrible person I am and how I don't deserve to be loved. I greatly regret what I did mostly because I am strongly against rape that why I apologized but I lost it and called her names... Oh, what do I do now huh? I stormed out of the room leaving her in tears. She just makes me so confused, one second I feel something that I've never felt whenever I was with her, I mean I feel like I need to protect her no matter what and I need to care for her... I just don't know what it is and then the next second we're at each other's throats and I'm saying things different from what I want to say. It's just overwhelming and suffocating... I've never felt that way and I don't like the way it's affecting me” I said frustrated, rubbing my hands furiously against my forehead.

       ”I don't know but I think you should let her cool first and later apologize or something....” he said looking more frustrated.
    I poured us a drink as we decided to push the issue aside and discuss business. Thirty minutes into our discussion, I heard banging my door.
    Who the hell had the audacity to bang on my office door like that, no matter how serious it is that person was about to lose his life.
    The banging continued making Santi to look at me in confusion. I stood from my seat and walked to the door, that person better come up with the perfect reason for interrupting my meeting like that or else...
    When I opened the door I was shocked, this was not what I expected to see... Standing in front of me was a teard soaked face of Melissa, looking worried and panicked.
    Immediately she started sobbing and I frowned at her while Santi rushed to my side and looked more confused.
    “What happened and why do you look all messed up?” I asked slightly panicking from her state.

      “Ohh si.. sir...sirr” she couldn't compose her face as she cried harder. I frowned at her because I was getting worried and I couldn't understand a word she said.

       “WHAT HAPPENED!!” I yelled in her face grabbing her shoulders.

      She flinched from my voice and looked more scared than ever. I didn't know if she was scared from my voice and me grabbing her shoulders or from whatever was bothering her.
    Santi came from and removed my hands from her shoulder, he turned her to face him and spoke to her softly while I glared at them.
   “What happened? Why you crying?” he asked so softly and calmly almost hugging her.
     “Sh...she is in the..there. ohh...” She broke down again pointing towards the direction she came from as she cried in Santi's arm. I was now getting pissed from her drama.
    “Would you tell us exactly what you're trying to say or should I force it out of you?” I spoke angrily while Santi glared at me.
     “Tell me, who is where? I can't understand you” Santi said wiping her tears. At this point I think Santi was in love with this maid.
       “Ma...madam is... Sir please help madam” the dumb maid finally spoke up alerting me as I looked at her panicking.
   “What do you mean help her, where is she and what happened to her?” I asked worriedly pulling her from Santi and facing her.
     “She.... She's in your room” as soon as the words leave her mouth, I pushed her aside and ran the bedroom.
    As I ran there with Santi and the maid behind me, I prayed that nothing bad happened.
      I reached my bedroom and pushed the door open but was surprised when I didn't see her.
   “WHERE IS SHE MELISSA!!!” I yelled angrily facing her. She flinched from my voice and spoke “In the bathroom...”.

      I walked to the bathroom and opened the door but the sight in front of me had me stagger and shocked......

     A/N; Hello everyone... How was your weekend, I hope it was as nice as mine or better 🥰.... I read your comments on the last chapter and was glad that y'all liked it. Thanks for the vote and comments everyone I really appreciate

     This is chapter 31 and I hope you enjoyed it... I'm very sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger🥺🥺

    Please remember to vote and comment; you know I love reading your comments in the comment section.

   Thanks have a goodnight 😘✌️




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