Chapter 20~

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Sofia pov~

After about two or three turns, we made it to a doctor's office. Matteo knocked twice then entered without even waiting for a 'come in' or something.

A beautiful lady wearing a white doctor's coat was seated in her spacious office smiling brightly at us.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Aurora" She said standing up from her seat and walked towards us still smiling.

"Hi, I'm Sofia and this is ..." I introduced myself but stopped when I pointed at Matteo trying to introduce him but didn't find an appropriate title . I mean I didn't know what we were and I didn't want to introduce him as by baby daddy.

"... I'm Matteo" he said to her while offering her a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Sofia and Matteo. I'm your ob/gyn, Doctor Anna, my colleague reffered you to me and she sent me all your report... So can we get started?" She explained going back to her seat. Matteo and I made our way to the seats opposite the doctor.

She looked like a very nice lady, she looked to be in her early thirties probably. Her blonde hair and beautiful face made her looked caring and kind which made me like her already.

"According to your report you are 4 weeks pregnant and has been diagnosed with Hyperemesis gravidarum, you were pregnant with twins but had miscarriage leading you to lose one of the babies. Am I correct?" She said looking straight at me after reading my report from her computer.

Reminding of the fact that I lost my baby exactly a week from now, made my heart break all over again as tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them away and nodded my head at her question.

"Good, so I'm going to be asking you questions now" she said as she started typing some things on her computer.

We spent the next ten minutes answering questions about my pregnancy, my emotions lately and my mental health.

Not to worry anyone, I just plastered a fake smile through out the question session not to bother Matteo or the doctor about my mental health. Truth be told, I was depressed, stressed both emotionally and mentally but I didn't want to let anyone in on my problems...

"Sofia, are you ready?" Dr Aurora said standing up from her seat followed by Matteo. I just stared at them confused about what she asked. She must have noticed the confused frown on my face and also that I wasn't listening to her.

" I said, you are going for your check up now. It's too early for an ultrasound so your next appointment would be in two weeks" she repeated herself having a slightly worried expression on her face.

I smiled and nodded my head to dismiss any doubt she had. We headed to another room where a nurse measured my height and weight. She measured my blood pressure and took my blood and urine sample for test.

When I was done with the check up, I realized Matteo wasn't in the room with me. I left the room in search of him and found him in the hallway near an elevator. He was on the phone and looked to be in a serious and heated argument with someone but managed to keep his voice down.

I walked towards him to inform him that I was done, he hung up on the phone when he sighted me then entered the elevator without waiting for me. I increased my pace as I didn't know anywhere in this large hospital.

I managed to get in as the elevator door almost closed. My face scrunched up in annoyance; why would he leave me here like that.

"What's your problem huh? I've been ignoring you behavior towards me for a week now because I saw it as childish, but now... You almost left me here alone, what's wrong with you?" I said to him in a calm manner but you could hear the anger filled in my voice.

The douchebag didn't answer but rubbed his temple aggressively like he was trying to control his anger... What the hell! He was angry? I was the one who was supposed to be angry.

"Sofia... I'm not in the mood for your tantrums alright? I just want to leave here and head back to my office. As you can see, I've missed two important meetings just to be here with you and try to protect you but what do you do? You always complain about nothing. Now please be quite" he said irritatedly trying to control his outburst but his voice filled with rage.

My mouth was left agape at the words that he spilled out of his dumb mouth. This jerk over here just said I had a tantrums... I mean who had been grumpy the whole week and had been avoiding me, huh? He literally just said he abandoned his work for me and his baby. I didn't even ask him to bring me here and now he blamed me, he said he's trying to protect me; from what exactly? It's not like I was some pregnant celebrity.

As I was about to reply him in the most unimaginable way, the elevator dinged and he immediately strode out the elevator leaving me to eat my words.

I followed his long strides and finally we were at the car park. He entered his side and slammed the door. I stared shock at his behavior, what the hell was wrong with his... I mean I was the pregnant one but I didn't have that much attitude.

I entered the car and closed the door. He switched on the ignition and drove off in a speed.

"HEY!!.. would you slow down" I said, scared of the way he drove as my heart was beating twice it normal pace.

Matteo plainly ignored me and increased his speed. At this point I could just say we were almost flying.

I felt so dizzy and nauseous as my eyes swelled up in tears. It felt like my stomach was in my mouth.

"MATTEO WOULD YOU STOP!! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled at him but he only ignored me again. At this point I was trying to hold back my vomit and trying to keep myself conscious.

"MATTEO!! Ple...please sto...stop. Please" I begged him as uncontrollable tears flow out of my eyes. I rested my head on my knees and my hands on my stomach trying to relax.

Matteo instantly halted the car and stared at me in shock as if to realise what he did.

"OH MY!! I'm very sorry. I..I didn't..." he abruptly stopped himself then pulled his hair.

"OH MERDA! CHE CAZZO HO DI SBAGLIATO!!" Matteo yelled loudly making me flinch as he punched right into the dashboard.

{Oh shit! What the fuck is wrong with me!!}

"Sofia, I'm very sorry..." he tried explaining him but I cut him off

"Don't.. Don't you dare say anything to me. Please just drive me home. If you are incapable of that I will gladly get down and find my way home" I said lowly still trying to calm myself and get rid of the nausea I was feeling, I still felt dizzy but a little bit better.

"Sof.." he tried again but I cut him off. This time my face showed the exact level of anger I was trying to suppress.

"Please Matteo take me home now or I promise to get down from this car" I gritted my teeth at him as I placed my hand ready to open the door.

"Ok, I'll take you home" he said giving up trying to convince me. He sighed and drove us home as I rested my head on the headrest then closed my eyes....


A/N; Ok guys, this is the end of chapter 20. I decided to update as soon as I got the chance too. Thanks for all the vote and the comments from the previous chapters.

Please comment on what you think about Matteo; I personally do not approve of his behavior towards his baby mama😣😣.
Please vote and comment 😘❤️💜✌️

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