Chapter 26~

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Sofia pov~
     On the ride back to Matteo's house,I rested my head on the headrest and closed my eyes. I kept thinking of my parents and how I didn't bid them goodbye, I just ran out of the house overwhelmed without hugging either of them.

     I missed them already, all of them. I didn't want to go with Matteo but I had not choice, he threatened my parents. I groaned thinking of that.

       I could see the way Whitney's and Nora's eyes lit up with excitement when they saw me. I didn't know when I would see them again.

       The girls wanted to know what the details of my alleged kidnap  so I spilled everything except the fact that Matteo had slapped me. As much as I hated him, I didn't want them to kill my child's father out of anger.

       I was beginning to get a headache from this constant thinking and remembrance. I groaned again loudly this time while I rubbed my temple trying to suppress the headache.

     "Is anything wrong?" Matteo's voice startled me, I forgot he was still in the car. My eyes snapped open at his voice, I looked towards him and saw him staring back at me expecting an answer with a laptop rested on his thigh.

     "Can anything be right when you are around me?" I questioned with my words filled with hate. He sighed and ignored my question then continued his work on the laptop.

       I closed my eyes again so I could get some sleep but the headache refused to go away and I was also hungry since I threw up the food I had at my parents. I groaned once again in irritation from the headache and now stomach ache.

  "What's wrong?" he asked again. I opened my eyes and frowned at him.

   "I have a damn headache that won't go away..." I said a little loudly with irritation clear in my voice as I continued frowning at him as if he was the one who caused the headache. Right now, I was frustrated and I needed to take my frustrations out on someone.

"...and I'm also hungry cause my stomach also won't stop aching, I'm tired" I sighed in frustration as a tear left my eye. I couldn't believe I went from being irritated to emotional, wow pregnancy really was mysterious.

    "Ok we will arrive home in fifteen minutes so relax" he said and continued his work on his laptop while I glared at him.

    "Relax? Did you just tell me to relax? I'm suffering from head ache right now and my stomach is also aching, I'm so uncomfortable and frustrated and you say relax? I can't relax, the least you could do is get me food from a restaurant. I'm pregnant remember with your baby so don't tell me to relax because you have absolutely no idea what..." I was cut off from my ranting by Matteo. At first I was super angry but at the end of my speech I was a crying mess. I hated this, it was so pathetic.

    "Ok... Ok I get it. I know that you are going through a lot and you are frustrated. In ten minutes we will be home so please so don't cry" he said softly, closing his laptop and pulling me into him. Before I knew it I was sobbing on Matteo's chest with one of his hand circled around my waist and the other playing with my hair while he mumbled incoherent words in my ears.

    I honestly didn't know how we got in that position but I was so surprised by Matteo's action. Since I'd known him, he was never caring towards me. I wanted to pull away but his warmth and now soothing massage he was giving me was irresistible.

  Before I realized, my small frame was coiled up on Matteo's thighs while my head rested on his tears soaked suit jacket as I fell asleep.

    A deep but soft voice tried waking me up but I was too engrossed in this comfortable position, I snuggled in the fitting mattress I was on. A deep chuckle seemed to wake me up as I jumped in fright only to see myself in a position that I would never had believed, my body perfectly fitted on Matteo's.

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