Chapter 10~

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Sofia pov~
I woke up to the bright sun rays from the open windows, my eyes Immediately closed due to reflex. I opened my eyes again as I adjusted to the brightness in the room.

I tried to stretch but found out I'm hooked to different hospital machines. The only sound in the room was the sound of my regular heartbeat. I realized I was at the hospital, but how did I get here and who brought me here.

I looked around the room to find out that I wasn't the only person in the room. I had company, two people to be precise. Oh did something happen to me, is that why the girls brought me here? Or did something happen to my baby.

At the thought of that, I gasp loudly as tears gathered in my eyes. Whitney and Nora, the two people in the room who were sleeping on the uncomfortable couch woke up with a jolt due to my gasp.

"Hey, Sofia what's wrong? Are you okay? Are you in pain? Is something wrong?" Nora questioned me soothingly with panic in her voice as she checked to see if I was hurt.

"Hey, Sof are you hurting? I'm going to go get Dr Sam now" Whitney said as she rushed out of the room to get the doctor.

"Nora, did you guys bring me here? Is something wrong with my baby? I knew I wasn't going to be a good mother to my child. I couldn't even protect it before it was born. I'm a very horrible person" I rushed out in fear that I hurt my baby. I always had that voice it my head that said I was not a good mom and I didn't deserve to have this baby but I brushed it off as negative thought wasn't what I needed, but now it proved right. As I had all these thoughts in my head, Nora spoke.

"Sofia, I need you to calm down. You didn't hurt the baby. You're not a bad mom. Relax, don't hurt yourself, you're stressing and it's not good" Nora said calmly while hugging me.

" Sof, look at me" she said as she lifted my chin up slightly to face her and she wiped away tears that I hadn't realized I was crying.

" We didn't bring you here, we got a call from the hospital saying you were brought here. Whitney and I rushed here as soon as we heard and we met you here still unconscious, so we decided to spend the night here" Nora said to me reassuring me that everything was okay.

"Then who brought me here" I asked the question that had been bothering me.

" You were brought here by a guy. I don't remember his name though. The doctor said he is your boyfriend" Nora said to me as she looked at me skeptically.

A boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend. A guy brought me here? I don't remember any guy. What is happening?

Suddenly, all the memory came back to me as I remember someone knocking on the door and when I checked it was MATTEO. Then he became aggressive and I fell and lost consciousness.

I said louder than I expected it to come out. I startled Nora as I yelled and she looked at me with panic and then a confused expression on her face, then a flash of recognition came across her face.

"Wait, Matteo? You mean the guy from the club? Your baby's father? That Matteo?" she questioned as she looked shocked as ever.

" Yes that one with all the description" I confirmed her unanswered question.

"Waow, You met him again. How did he know where we lived? How did he find you? How did you end up here? Did he hurt you? Does he know you're pregnant with his baby? Is his you boyfriend? Since when did he become your boyfri...." I held my hand to her mouth to quit all her questions.

"Wow, wow, wow, one at a time" I told her as I tried to remember all the questions so that I could answer them. I told Nora everything that happened till I lost consciousness.

Why did Matteo tell the doctor that I was his girlfriend?. Did he know that I was pregnant?, Oh no did he know it was his baby. Where his he now? Did he leave us after finding out that I was preg.... My train of thought and worries were cut off as Dr Sam and Whitney came in the room.

"Hey Sofia, how are you doing?" Dr Sam asked as she came to do her regular check-up on me.

"Miss Sofia, we performed an ultrasound on you to check if the baby was doing okay and we found out you are having twins"


No freaking way. No way, it was not possible. Oh no what was I going to do , I was having twins?. How was I supposed to take care of twins when I couldn't take care of one yet. Hell! I couldn't take care of my self enough. To make matters worse, my baby daddy fucking left after he found out I was pregnant. Maybe he found out I was having twins and he left.

Oh no. No what was I gonna do. I hadn't even told my parents that I was pregnant with one ,then I fucking found out I was pregnant with twins. Not one but two.

I just realize I was screwed.

"Hey, Sof relax. Don't panic, calm down" Whitney said as she sat next to me and hugged me. How the fuck do I calm down. This was hard, this was fucking hard. I don't think I could do this.

I brokedown in tears as both Whitney and Nora hugged me, telling me that everything was going to be fine and it would fall into place eventually.

" Listen Sofia, try not to stress yourself because stress was what brought you here. I know things are hard but have faith that everything will be ok" The doctor said calmly as she looked at me sympathetically.

"By the way, now that you have your babies father, I believe things won't be hard for you" shes said smiling as she tried to reassure me.

As she said that, Whitney's expression changed from comfort to 'what I'm I may missing here' look. I knew I had to tell her everything seeing as I already told Nora.

" Sofia, I'll leave you now. I need you to rest and take your vitamins on time. Eat properly and frequently. You'll be discharged soon but before that I'll give you another ultrasound to check on the babies once more and print you some sonograms if you'll like some" Dr Sam said, smiling as she grabbed my chart from the table and left.

" Girl, you better start talking because I didn't understand shit of what the doctor meant by baby daddy in your life". I sighed heavily and explained everything for the second time today.

After explaining, the girls and I chatted amongst ourselves and joked a little . At noon, the doctor came, did the ultrasound and I got to see my little munchkins. The girls and I were so excited to see them, as Whitney teased me on how little they were. My eyes got teary as I wished Matteo was here to observe this moment.

The doctor printed me some copies and I was discharged. The girls and I headed straight home as I was tired and needed my bed at the moment. I already ate breakfast and lunch at the hospital so now I needed to sleep....

A/N; sorry guys for not updating earlier but this is the end of chapter 10. I'm very sorry for some grammatic errors and typographical error. I'll try my best to edit it. The photo above is that of Sofia but it doesn't belong to me. I found it off Google.
Please remember to comment and vote cause not many people comment on the chapters and vote but I'm really grateful to those who read my story, those who comment on the story and those who vote. Thank you so much.
Goodnight y'all, sleep tight.🥰

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