Chapter 2~

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I arrived a school at 9:40am because there was a minor traffic on the road, I had 20min left before my class start.

I fastened my pace to my class so I wouldn't be late, I got to class early because the lecture hadn't begun yet so I arranged my books and awaited the lecturer. The lecturer arrived on time and started lecture immediately, time flew and class ended at 11:30. I packed my stuff and left the class to go meet Nora and Whitney.

Lucky for me I had only one class today so I was done for the day. I saw both my best friends walking towards me but they didn't see me yet . I hadn't seen them throughout the weekend and I already missed them. I smiled when they saw me and they both had huge grins on their faces. When we were finally close enough, we embraced ourselves in a tight hug.

"My bestie, Sofia, I missed you so much. It's like you left for a year" Whitney said while breaking from the hug.

"yeah it like she left us for so long meanwhile it was only for the weekend" Nora added still smiling.
" I know right, I missed you girls", I told tell while were moved towards the school exit.

"My mom sends her greetings to you both", I said to both of them.

" oh sweet Mrs Williams, I miss her cooking. She is such a nice woman" Whitney say as we got to the gate.

"True indeed, the next visit we will be going with you" Nora said as we got to my car.

"Yeah, so where are we going now. It's either we go home or we go to a nearby restaurant because I'm starving" I told them as we entered my car.

Whitney and Nora didn't have cars of their own because according to them cars are not in their budget yet. I got my car first year of college as a gift from my parents. So we shared the car because I consider them my sisters and the car was theirs as much as it was mine.

"Oh let go to a restaurant because I'm not sure we have enough food at home so after lunch we go to buy groceries, okay?"Nora said while I was driving to the nearest restaurant close to us.

"Yeah so how was your weekend?" I asked them as I started off a conversation.

"For me it was boring because I had a test today so instead of spending my weekend clubbing, I spent it studying" Whitney said with a frown on her face.

" Well, I went on a date with a guy I met at work" Nora said to us as we arrived at the restaurant.

Nora and Whitney worked at a unisex saloon, while I worked at a shelter home for animal, mostly because I loved animals and I didn't want to depend on my parents for everything.

"Waow! wait! hold up!. You didn't say anything about a date to us" Whitney yells a little as we we entered the restaurant.

"Yeah , about that I didn't know if I wanted to go on the date or not so I didn't say anything but the guy was so persuasive that I had to consider going. So sorry "MOM" for not telling you" Nora said playfully as we found seats and ordered our lunch.

The restaurant was nice and the service here was good because I've been here twice and I know they served good food.

"What about you miss Sofia, tell us how you spent your weekend", Nora say with a smile on her face.

"Well my weekend wasn't as eventful as yours Nora, I spent my weekend studying for my upcoming test and yeah baking cookies with Mom". I told them as the waitress brought our food to the table. I thanked her and started eating.

After lunch, we paid our bills and headed to the cars. On my way out, I bumped into someone. I looked up to see a very handsome man.

Waow... he was the most handsome man I'd ever seen. He was staring down at me with his blue eyes that looked so beautiful, he is probably 6'3 or so in height because he was towering over my 5'5 height.

Yeah I know I'm not favoured in height. I hadn't realized I was staring at him probably drooling for like two minutes until he spoke "Uhm , excuse me".

He said, he had a strong accent probably Italian. I was still staring at him until I saw a smirk on his face and my face was red at that point.

" I would like to go and get something from inside but seeing as you are standing in my way piccolo, I don't think that will be possible" he said again with his thick voice and he still had that smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry" I said as I moved out of his way and he went inside still with that stupid smirk on his face.

"Sofia what are you doing here we have been waiting for you by the car for the past five minutes".

Whitney told me but I was absentminded still thinking about those mesmerizing blue eyes I just saw. "Earth to Sofia, what are you thinking about you this silly girl" she say a little irritated that I wasn't listening and that snapped me back to reality.

" Uhm.. Uhm..N-Nothing" I stutter still dazed." Nothing , let go now" I said after clearing my throat.

"Are you sure you're okay" she asked again. "Yeah I am" I reassured her.

"Girl where were you, we were waiting for you" Nora ask me as we arrived at the car. "Sorry, Uhm, my car keys fell so I was looking for it" I told them as we drove home.

On our way home the girls were arguing about a movie they watched on Sunday night while my mind was elsewhere, I was thinking about a particular blue eyes. A strange thing I didn't fail to observe was that he had a strange aura, I couldn't quite decipher what it was but it was disturbing.

I quickly cleared my mind from the stranger and involve myself in the movie my friends were arguing loudly about. I laughed to myself at how lucky I was to have such friends as I drove us home.

A/N; Another chapter completed. Let me know what you guys think of it.

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