The drama begins......

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Hey guys finally the most awaited wedding drama is going to be here......
This is mostly a narrative part.......
sorry for boring u with this narrative chapter......

I somehow wanted to end this wedding preparations......
So came up with this........
Get ready to witness the pre-drama before the super dramatic unison of Kathir and mullai.....

The day arrived............

The day of destined wedding...........

For the pair decided by the family finally arrived...............

As the time was less both the families were running here and there for preparations...........

And it was pugazh who did almost everything with utmost care for his cute little sister.........Nope.........His first child...............


In PS family...........

Moorthy all alone managed the marriage related works while Jeeva managed the shop works along with the purchases...............

All the while kathir was a way too busy with his studies..........

So he chose to stay in Karaikudi with his friends, as he always does during exams and managed their karaikudi shop single-handedly.........
He took care of shoppings too that is done in karaikudi shop................
He too wanted to join his brothers there.......
But his Anna-anni have pestered him to stay back in karaikudi and take care of everything over there...........

Though he felt too something different as his mother, he was happy for the fact that his brother is happily getting married...........
He was sure of Jeeva's choice of getting married to a happy-go, bold girl like his "Anni" and the way Jeeva got the girl of his choice in the first ever bride-seeing itself made him happy........
He was pretty sure, that Jeeva wont compromise in any of his choices.......His basic nature though............
So he was happy..........

As personally he too never ever wants a quiet, timid, coward girl to be a part of their family........
If its his brothers' personal choice then its different..........
But they too dont have any such choice..........

They all basically wanted a out-spoken, bold and systematic girl to fit into their lifestyle.......
He wants a pillar such that they can support each other.........
Just like his "Anni" did for them............
Not a kid who stays in his protection............

He didn't blame such girls...........
Its their choice which of course is not wrong............
But he doesn't want such a girl...........
Infact he hates such girls.....
Just chooses to ignore them...........
Its his choice............


He was working in shop and managing his studies at the same time even without the help of his brothers.........
He didn't even get time to visit kunnakudi all the while and didn't get to see the new bride too..........

It was only a week before he came to kunnakudi after handing over everything to their workers and completing his model exams in college........
Post marriage he will be attending his semester examinations.............


In Mu-P's house.........

As said and done pugazh was the one who is getting everything ready for his first kid............
Murugan being a bit old and owing to his certain health issues he was not able to do everything........
Still he somehow managed to help pugazh and do certain works.........

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